Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Macbeth Newspaper Article Essay

The flow of blood stopped and History recorded a tragic death. King Duncan over ten years was the most trusted noble. He was a good and Godly man, friend to the poor and defender of the downtrodden. He had been given the title, â€Å"Thane of Fife†. But he is no more with us. Our King Duncan was murdered last night according to the Scotland police authority. King Duncan was assassinated during his stay at Macbeth’s castle in the early morning on (May 12). He died surrounded by those that loved him and his legacy will live on. Duncan’s two guards were considered the main suspects, but were slaughtered by Macbeth at the scene. Authority has conformed the two guards responsible, but has no plan to charge Macbeth either. General Banquo told the police, everything looked good in the dinner. Duncan seemed to have a pleasure time that night. He announced Macbeth and Lady Macbeth as the best host and hostess in the world and had several dances with Lady Macbeth. They had been celebrating until eleven p. m. late at night. When the celebration finished, his Highness King Duncan retired back to his room. Other witnesses also agreed with Banquo’s statement. However, in the next morning, Duncan was found dead in his own bed. Nobel Macduff was the one who has found the King’s body. Macduff told the police, he and Nobel Lenox arrived at the castle with some other servants around 7:30 am. Everyone in the castle seemed still sleeping at that time. They knocked the gate several times before the porter opened it. Then, Macbeth led two to the King’s chamber. While Macbeth and Lenox stayed there discussing the scary storm on Friday night, Macduff discovered horrible scene along. â€Å"O Horror, Horror, Horror! Tongue nor heart can conceive nor name thee! † Macduff cried (Pg 65, line 73).

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Data Collection Essay

Data collection is the primary procedure that will let the researcher conduct his analysis over a specified population study. In this case, it is necessary to first define the goals and then implement the correct data gathering procedure (Waddick, 2000). This step can minimize possible errors and capture the correct illustration of the whole subject domain. There are several ways for a researcher to collect data according to the intention for analysis principles. These techniques are well defined in order to help the study owner maintain a credible output in terms of data interpretation. The following are some of the major procedures widely used by researchers: †¢ Activity Logging Scripts-These are the written versions of the subjects’ presence in the study (attendance), accomplishments or skill acquisition. †¢ Focus Grouping-A moderated conversation about a specific issue or topic. †¢ Document Analysis Review-The review of available documents such as performance levels, performance tallies, logs and other available indicators. †¢ Interviewing-This is a type of data collection using oral interactions and conversations. †¢ Questionnaires (Surveys)-Written and recorded responses using clearly formulated questions and inquiries. †¢ Observation-The process of watching directly the behavior of respondents and recording the results. The presented data collection techniques are suitable only for specific intention and parameters of data analysis. All of them are being used regularly by many researchers in the goal of getting hidden inferences from seemingly regular events. However, even though they are considered to be reliable forms of data collection, some issues and concerns may still be experienced. For one, data collection may not be as reliable as it should be if the parameters of the study are not available (e.g. absent respondents, missing files, undefined categories) (EIA, 1999); Second, it can sometimes become too costly especially if data are to be retrieved from institutions requiring resource expenses; Third, the data retrieved especially those in documented form, may no longer represent the true population if the info is no longer updated; Lastly, data collection such as interviews may require an enormous amount of time and effort which may compromise the true behavior of the data in a specific time frame. In order to minimize the error in collecting data, there are also some specific rules in using the presented data collection techniques. Some tools are only appropriate for certain types of data collection because each technique provides the significant level of reliability if it is to be used with the correct principle of data collection. Even though some tools seem much easier than others, the main agenda is to come up with a set of data which are reliable enough to be used for analysis and acquire the best possible result for inference. In such a case, it is always necessary to use only the appropriate tool of data collection for specified goals. For the aspect of getting answers on the â€Å"what are-† and â€Å"how† questions, the Activity Log Scripts and Document Analysis Review are used; In getting an answer for the â€Å"why†, Focus Grouping and Interviews are used while Observations and Questionnaires intend to answer the â€Å"how many-â€Å" questions (PERC). References EIA. 1999. Data Collection Problems. EIA DOE. Retrieved May 2, 2008 from PERC. N.D. Data Collection Tools and Methods and Collecting Data. Planning and Evaluation resource Center. Retrieved May 2, 2008 from Waddick, P. 2000. Building a Data Collection Plan. Six Sigma. Retrieved May 2, 2008 from

Both poets Essay

Both poets are writing about an experience of the same thing, a birth. Hughes’ however, is a bad birth and Clarke’s is a good birth. Although they are relating the same subject, the two poems are very different, not only in the style of writing but in the story and atmosphere. The themes in both are the partnership of life and death. They both start by setting the atmosphere with the weather. Hughes depicts a bad atmosphere by describing the worst of winter days: â€Å"Ice wind Out of a downpour dishclout sunrise†. In contrast Clarke expresses the loveliest day of the year: â€Å"The stillest, hottest day of the summer† Also Hughes describes the inhospitable environment of the: â€Å"Mudded slope† So right from the start it can be seen that Hughes is going to be relating a bad birth, and Clarke’s is going to be good. Another similarity is a technique they use here which is alliteration, a technique that Hughes is very fond of. Here Hughes uses the hard, harsh sounding Ds to get across the atmosphere and Clarke uses soft calm sounding Ss. Both poems are also set in the poet’s native area. Hughes is very straight forward right from the start in what it is about: â€Å"A lamb could not get born. † Clarke also gets the picture across straight away: â€Å"A lamb was born in a field† So as you can see the structure and use of techniques is very similar but the meaning is opposite. In the labour, Clarke, emphasizes the ease and calmness of the birth. One of the ways she does this is by making little of the physical aspect, simply describing: â€Å"Her sides heaving, a focus Of restlessness in the complete calm Her calling at the odds with the silence. † Her pain briefly disturbs the silence of this still day. It is also a fast, easy delivery: â€Å"Hot slippery the scalding Baby came and the cow stood up. † Clarke, as you can see, concentrates on the ease and speed of the birth but also brings a big picture of the surroundings not just the labour and birth. Hughes, on the other hand, focuses very much just on the birth and does not bring in the wider picture of his surroundings. He also gets across the difficulty of the prolonged birth for himself and the ewe, being much more involved in the birth than Clarke. He uses short strong words to give impact and intensity: he is ‘wrestling’ while the sheep ‘groans’; he hauled’ while she ‘cried out. ‘ The effort is reflected in the repetition of the word ‘pushed’ but once it is past the head and shoulders it comes, like Clarke’s, fast and easily: â€Å"The long sudden, yolk yellow Parcel of life† Clarke describes the birth as a nice comfortable experience, through imagery; she gets across the gentleness and beautifulness of the birth: â€Å"The light flowed out, leaving stars and clarity† â€Å"The cow stood up, her cool flanks like white flowers in the dark. † In contrast Hughes gives a detailed, and rather gruesome description of the deformed head of the lamb: â€Å"A blood ball swollen Tight in its black felt, its mouth gap Squashed crooked, tongue stuck out, black purple. † This is great imagery describing the limp, bloated head with the purple deoxygenated blood and short black wool on its head. Although both of these poems are written in 1st person they are different, Hughes is very much physically involved in the experience and plays a big part in it. He is always referring to what it was he had to do: â€Å"I caught with a rope†; â€Å"I felt inside†; â€Å"I saw it was useless†; â€Å"I pushed† It is forced onto the reader every single little point, and this is clearly intentional. On the other hand Clarke’s perspective is very different, she is much more just an observer and simply invites the reader to join her, although she does make references to her own personal experiences as a mother: â€Å"I could feel the soft sucking Of the new born, the tugging pleasure Of bruised recording† Clarke also brings in a much wider picture than Hughes rather than picking at every one little detail. So though both are in 1st person they are put across very different. Both poets use literary techniques to boost their imagery, but like everything else they use them in very different ways, same techniques, variation in use. Obviously Clarke uses these techniques in such a way that they are soft and tender sounding for example when she uses alliteration it is soft ‘S’s and ‘M’s that are used: â€Å"Measured the volume of the sky; the hills brimmed with incoming darkness†; â€Å"soft sucking. † In contrast to this, Hughes’ use of these techniques is much More graphical and harsh, in this example the use of the ‘B’ almost seems to give the sound of the head bobbing up and down, like Hughes says he likes to use words that you can touch, feel, hear as well as see: â€Å"Blackish lump bobbed at her backend† So here you can hear, see and almost feel the nodding head and again here you can hear and feel the lamb slipping out: â€Å"Smoking slither of oils, soups, syrups† Although he does use these harsh sounding images there is one place where he uses soft sounding alliteration it is when he is telling about how the birth should have been just to contrast against the awfulness of this birth and make just that bit worse: â€Å"Tip-toe, his toes Tucked up under his nose†. When is comes to the structure of the poem, even it reflects the mood of poem. Hughes splits up some of his sentences over lines, this makes it a bit jerky to maybe reflect the uneasiness of the birth and it is also used to give emphasis to the last word of the line, also ‘February 17th’ is in one big chunk of text and is not split into stanzas, this is make it tense and slightly uneasy for the reader. On the other hand Clarke has two short stanzas the maybe reflect the ease and straightforwardness of the delivery, she also uses the technique of splitting sentences over two lines but her poem in general has a much more formal structure. So in some ways the poems are identical because they have the same subject and themes, life and death, also they use all the same techniques so without reading it and just being told this you would begin to think they were the same. But Hughes is a lot more straightforward and down to earth in the way he tells the story, also he concentrates on just the birth and goes into a lot of detail.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Importance of the Reformation in Europe Research Paper

Importance of the Reformation in Europe - Research Paper Example This paper analyses the importance of the Reformation in the context of its theological foundations, historical background and influence on the subsequent development of mankind. The first chapter deals with cultural and historical context and background of the Reformation, since it allows better understanding of the nature of changes which took place during and after the Reformation. The second chapter gives a brief characteristic of the essence of religious reform. Chapters three and four analyze most important changes in the concepts of morality, freedom and reason. Chapter five describes political and social meaning of the Reformation and its influence of the further historical development. Conclusion summarizes main arguments given in the paper. Selected bibliography offers a wide range of books and periodicals on the topic of the paper. Thesis The Reformation is usually considered as a widespread anti-Catholic movement for the renewal of Christianity in Europe in the 16th centu ry, the founders and leaders of which were Martin Luther (1483-1546) and Jean Calvin (1509-1564). But the Reformation was not simply a religious renewal; it was a profound transformation of the Christian culture. The result of this transformation was not only a new version of Christianity – Protestantism, but also a new type of man with a new attitude to life and himself. It was this type of man that appeared to be the driving force of the rapid development of western civilization. Introduction The Reformation changed the conceptual world of Christianity and laid the foundations of a new type of Christian culture. In this updated culture, as Max Weber assumed in his book The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism, a supramundane Christian spirituality acted as a semantic foundation of the new work ethic and became an inspirational force of rational and practical transformation of the world. The Reformation was a spiritual reply to the challenge for the human spirit cre ated by socio-economic and cultural situation of the 16th century. Therefore, it would be rational first to describe the context in which the roots of a new culture got implanted. Cultural and Historical Context and Background of the Reformation Catholic culture of Western European Middle Ages was a sort of compromise between the sinful conditions of the â€Å"world† and supramundane maximalism of the Spirit. The life of a layman was full of daily cares of the world, and did not have any relation with the salvation of soul. However, it was believed that the Church—due to religious merit of its saints—accumulated more divine grace than it was necessary for the salvation of recognized righteous men. This excess amount of grace was given by Church to the laity, but not to all, only to those who in their worldly life held religious rules and supported the efforts of the church to save the world. As a matter of fact, in real life it appeared that support of the Churc h’s efforts did not necessarily require high personal morality. Divine grace and salvation could be â€Å"earned† by a pilgrimage, participation in the crusade, or just property or cash donations to the needs of the church. In

Sunday, July 28, 2019

In septic patients does the use of Etomidate as an induction agent for Essay

In septic patients does the use of Etomidate as an induction agent for endotracheal intubation increases mortality - Essay Example Rapid sequence intubation is the preferred method of intubation in the emergency and trauma units because it carries a decreased risk of patient aspiration and vomiting (Lafferty & Kunkarni, 2008). To facilitate induction, anaesthetic agents like etomidate or midazolam are used. However, practitioners and experts acknowledge that anaesthesia use for intubation and ventilation is hazardous and poorly tolerated in critically ill patients (Mccormick, 2006, p. 1). Mccormick (2006, p. 1) recommends that a trained anaesthetist should be present when this procedure is undertaken. Hypotension is one of the adverse effects that can manifest after induction, hence, the needed presence of the anaesthetist at this stage of the procedure. However, literature on the use of etomidate as an induction agent has been rendered controversial. Bridgewater (n.d, p. 2) claims that this controversy mainly stems from the fact that etomidate actually causes adrenal suppression. Other studies have yet to subst antially prove or disprove the merits of etomidate use in septic patients. Hence, this study is now being undertaken in order to assess the current researches on this subject in the hope of coming up with an academic and evidence-based resolution to this controversy. Data was gathered for this paper in different databases through electronic and library catalogue searches. The MEDLINE electronic database was assessed through the Google search engine. Catalogue searches included ‘anaesthesia etomidate’ and ‘septic patients etomidate’. Index searches of books included the following keywords: ‘etomidate’ and ‘septic patients’. Electronic searches through the Google search engine used the words ‘etomidate induction septic patients’. In order to further specify searches, the words ‘etomidate mortality risk’ and ‘rapid sequence intubation’ were added in. Websites for the Cochrane Library and the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Retail Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Retail Strategy - Assignment Example There is clearly no point designing a product which no one demands of. Therefore it is essential that that it should have the features which are valued by and attract the consumers, for example, it must be of good quality, work perfectly and look good. Price is the second most essential part of a retail strategy. The price must be set in such a manner that it not only depicts the value of the good produced but takes care of the market conditions and see how much customers are willing to pay for such goods. The third P of retail strategy is place. There is clearly no point in making a product if we cant get to a place from where we can get it across to the customer. Therefore making sure that the goods are present on the right time and at the right place is a very essential. The fourth and final P of a successful retail strategy is promotion (Tellis, 1997). Promotion refers to letting our prospective buyers know about the availability, existence and feature of our product. Successful promotional or marketing strategies play a very essential role in the success of a product and this is the reason why companies spend huge sums on money on promotional

Friday, July 26, 2019

Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Speech - Essay Example The three of you spend the first several minutes discussing what you did over the weekend. You all laugh over the exploits of classmate #1, who spent all night Friday and Saturday at several nightclubs. You and classmate #2 take your work out and place it on the table. Classmate #1 does not have any work completed and explains that with finals and the beginning of a head-cold, there just was not enough time. You get angry and frustrated; after all, you spent all weekend in your dorm working on this project. You look across the table at classmate #1 who is sitting with arms crossed, glaring at you. I want Classmate #1 to understand that he has not been fair, having spent the weekend nights at clubs while I and Classmate #2 had to forego a lot of things just to be able to work on the group project. After all, the project is supposed to be the result of all our efforts. The three of us would be getting equal credit based on the overall quality of the project that we will submit. I will convey my displeasure by knocking some sense into his head. I will not be affected by his defiant stance and I will go ahead to tell him that he has no right to glare at me with his arms crossed for he is the one who has wronged me and Classmate #2. I will talk in a calm but firm manner, and will unflinchingly look at Classmate #1 straight in the eye. This way, I will show him that I am not intimidated by his purported stance. I will further drive home the point that he has to shape up and make up for his lack of output so far by having the biggest share of work to be done before Wednesday. B. Using the example above, describe each component of the Speech Communication Process. a. The speaker is a college student who is enrolled in a speech class. Filled with anger and frustration about the receiver's irresponsible ways, the speaker earnestly tries to make the receiver comprehend the message that he wants to bring across. b. The receiver is one of the speaker's classmates in the speech class. Together with yet another classmate, the three of them formed a group for the completion of a certain project due in class. The receiver is the co-member who seemed to have no intention of contributing anything to their group project. Instead of being apologetic, this receiver takes on a defiant stance when he sees the speaker's reaction to his having done no part of his individual work during the weekend. c. The message is centered on their urgent need to finish their group project before the deadline. It pertains to the prevailing situation of the three-member group. The speaker means to convey the importance of fairness and of getting credit only when deserved. d. The channels include the speaker's initially angry and frustrated reaction, and his calm and firm manners of the speaker. It also covers the clarity of the speaker's message. 2. How can you control you

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Dissertation On Appraisals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dissertation On Appraisals - Essay Example From the individual's point of view, feedback satisfies a need for information about the extent to which personal goals are met (Nadler, 1977), as well as a need for social comparison information about one's relative performance (Festinger, 1954, 117-40). Second, feedback potentially can influence future performance (Ilgen et al., 1979; Kluger and DeNisi, 1996, 254-84). Third, it is believed to play a significant role in the development of job and organizational attitudes (Ilgen et al., 1981; Taylor et al., 1984, 81-124). Thus, feedback is not only important to individuals but also to organizations because of its potential influence on employee performance and a variety of attitudes and behaviors of interest to organizations. Whether these benefits actually accrue may well depend on how feedback recipients react to the feedback. Indeed, reactions to feedback are presumed to indicate overall system viability (Bernardin and Beatty, 1984; Cardy and Dobbins, 1994; Carroll and Schneier, 1982) and to influence future job performance (Kluger and DeNisi, 1996), as well as job and organizational attitudes (Taylor et al., 1984). ... Given this apparent significance of studying reactions, many researchers have bemoaned the relative lack of research on employees' reactions to appraisals (Banks and Murphy, 1985, 335-45; Bernardin and Villanova, 1986), so much so that, Murphy and Cleveland (1995: 310) referred to reaction criteria as the "neglected criteria" of performance appraisal research. Satisfaction with appraisal feedback is one of the most consequential of the reactions to appraisal feedback (Dorfman et al., 1986, 571-98; Giles and Mossholder, 1990, 371-77; Keeping and Levy, 2000, 708-23). For instance, several researchers (Giles and Mossholder, 1990; Organ, 1988) have asserted that using satisfaction as a measure of employees' reactions affords a broader indicator of reactions to appraisal feedback than more specific cognitively oriented criteria. In fact, cognitively oriented measures, such as perceived utility and perceived accuracy, are positively related to satisfaction with appraisal feedback (Keeping and Levy, 2000). In addition, because appraisals form the basis of several important decisions, satisfaction with feedback signifies recognition, status, and future prospects within the organization. Thus, more favorable attitudes about reward contingencies develop when satisfaction with feedback is high than when it is low. These various psychological implicat ions of satisfaction with feedback make it a significant determinant of future behavior and job and organizational attitudes (Taylor et al., 1984). In summary, the central role of feedback to the appraisal process and the importance of examining ratees' satisfaction with appraisal feedback are widely acknowledged (Ilgen et al., 1979; Keeping and Levy, 2000; Murphy and Cleveland, 1995). Given this, the relative lack of research on

An essay about Children of a Lesser God film Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

An about Children of a Lesser God film - Essay Example A typical example of some of these basic characteristics is the influence of gender in communication. Gamble and Gamble (2007) in their book The Gender Communication Connection bring out some of the very peculiar gender characteristic concepts of communication. Interestingly, some of the core concepts in the books are also reflected in the film Children of Lesser God. Below are some of the discussions on the key concepts discussed in chapter five (5) of the book. One of the major concepts tackled by Gamble and Gamble (2007) is the issue of perception process. It is said that perception generally refers to how we see other people from our own point of view (Huggai, 2009). This is very much application in communication and influences communication greatly because â€Å"the way that you see people will greatly determine how you interact with them and what you will get from them† (Brewster, 2012). This means that perception has the power to start communication, sustain communication, as well as influence the input and outcome of a given communication. NOVA (2005) identifies three major processes in the perception process. These are selection, organization and interpretation. Gamble and Gamble (2007) adds a fourth dimension and this dimension is response. The most important fact however is that Gamble and Gamble (2007) looks at the perception process from a gender point of view, where they make it clear that men and women certainly have di fferent styles and approaches to reacting to the perception process and thus have different ways of listening. Hesper Anderson and Mark Medoff give a well illustrated format in the differences pointed by Gamble and Gamble (2007) are displayed by men and women in the film Children of Lesser God. In the film –as highlighted in the book, we see a very vast difference between how men and women perceive communication. This difference is further consolidated by the fact that even though the female role was being played by

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Millennials Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Millennials - Essay Example ew up making decisions with others and using tools that provide instant gratification for support and other needs and desires, Millenials are different from other generations in how they form and develop their workplace and close relationships because constant technology usage and communication has affected how they think and express what they think about. Millenials grow up always connected through technology because parents are working harder than ever, therefore conditioning their kids to get used to helicopter parenting from childhood to adolescence through technology. Their parents already gave them their cellphones at a young age. Some Millennial kids had their first cellphones at age 8 (Tyler para.8), while others, much earlier. Parents do this generally because they want to ensure continuous communication. After all, many households nowadays have parents working full-time. Even mothers who stay at home work through having their businesses or Internet-based jobs or are busy with community affairs. One of the ways they can ensure that their children are safe and that they can influence their decisions is through helicopter parenting (Tyler para.5). Jeanne Achille, CEO of Shrewsbury, a public relations firm, notes that she receives constant information streaming from her daughters, telling her what they are doing and even what th ey plan to do (Tyler para.1). She admits that she would never have given her own parents this level and frequency of information before (Tyler para.3), which underscores that, as a parent, she is one of the drivers of her children’s frequent usage of and dependence on technology for communication and relationship-building purposes. Families are significant motivators for using technology with such pervasiveness among Millenials. Parents also affect school and workplace practices, as they extend their helicopter parenting to their children’s schools and careers. Kathryn Tyler reports about parents who meddle in academic courses,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Racial Disparities in Correction Populations Essay

Racial Disparities in Correction Populations - Essay Example The above information, if given with critical analysis could be used to strongly prove that racial disparities in correction populations exist in the US justice system. It is important to dig on this issue because this could entirely create a significant impact on the US justice system, not only on its national and federal context, but on the entire international setting. The US, as a primary advanced and influential nation on earth, should always ensure it has substantially showed the appropriate example in all aspects especially for humanitarian cause. After all, there is a negative meaning associated with racial disparities and this could be enough at some point to remarkably refute the remarkable image of the US towards fairness in dealing with justice. There are varying opinions and even substantial justifications in line with racial disparities. The proof of these can be considered through various researches and other related studies that could potentially create meaningful ins ights about racial disparities in general. ... Justice systems employ important legal concerns. These legal acts encompass the society, and eventually groups of people. Race involves group of people so it is eventually a social group which is subject of a social construct and that it can only be refined to function well if there is prevailing justice system. Racial disparity therefore is about â€Å"unfair, unjust, unequal or unnecessary care or treatment of group of people† which can be evidently observed through the association of their race with whatever case confronting them (Loue & Sajatovic 2011, p.1260). Correctional populations defined There are varying existing definitions or concepts about correctional populations. However, in the context of the discussion in the prevailing justice system in the United States, the following are individuals that should be considered who belong to the correctional populations: they are incarcerated individuals either in prison, jail or supervised by the community that could be eith er probation or parole (Bureau of Justice Statistics 2012). Correctional populations therefore are composed of groups of people who have to face punishment or consequences of their acts as interpreted and justified by the final authority of the justice system. Evidences of racial disparities in correctional populations There are varying evidences of racial disparities in correctional populations and basically this can be illustrated by understanding the percentage of racial groups represented in a certain population, the number of individuals of a racial or minority groups that are integral parts of the criminal justice system, and many more (Walker,

Monday, July 22, 2019

General Orders Essay Example for Free

General Orders Essay The simple act of performing your duties in a military manner will keep you out of more trouble in your career than just about anything else. Drill these in your head and let them become second nature. I will guard everything within the limits of my post and quit my post only when properly relieved. I will obey my special orders and perform all of my duties in a military manner. I will report violations of my special orders, emergencies, and anything not covered in my instructions to the commander of the relief. The Eleven General Orders are common to all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces. It is best to learn these before  boot camp: you will be expected to know these by heart, in any order, after a few weeks in basic training! 1. To take charge of this post and all government property in view. 2. To walk my post in a military manner, keeping always on the alert, and observing everything that takes place within sight or hearing. 3. To report all violations of orders I am instructed to enforce. 4. To repeat all calls from posts more distant from the guard house than my own. 5. To quit my post only when properly relieved. 6. To receive, obey, and pass on to the sentry who relieves me all orders from the commanding officer, field officer of the day, officer of the day, and officers and petty officers of the watch. 7. To talk to no one except in line of duty. 8. To give the alarm in case of fire or disorder. 9. To call the petty officer of the watch in any case not covered by instructions. 10. To salute all officers and all colors and standards not cased. 11. To be especially watchful at night, and during the time for challenging, to challenge all persons on or near my post, and to allow no one to pass without proper authority.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Care Of Clients With Mental Health Problems

Care Of Clients With Mental Health Problems This essay will look at the relationship between schizophrenia and bio psycho social issues it will also explore the concept of recovery and also look at some of the approaches that are used to promote the recovery process. The National Health Service (2005) describes schizophrenia as a mental illness with substantial short and long term consequences for individuals, family, health and clinical services and society. One in hundred people experience schizophrenia in their lifetime with highest incidence of the disease in late teens and early 20s. People with schizophrenia suffer distress and long term disability and there is a lot of accompanied stigma and prejudice involved with the disease that can have negative effects on employment, relationships and life satisfaction. A persons family is completely destroyed with schizophrenia and carers and family members also carry the burden of the disease and caring the person for a long time. Schizophrenia is a severe mental disorder characterized by profound disruptions in thinking, affecting language, perception and thee sense of self. It often includes psychotic experiences, such as hearing voices or delusion. It can impair functioning through the loss of an acquired capability to earn a livelihood or the disruption of studies (WHO, 2009) Schizophrenia is not caused by one single factor but a combination of different factors these factors are biological, psychological and social. This is what is known as the bio psycho social model of schizophrenia (Santrock, 2007). There are thought to be many causes of schizophrenia one of these are genetic factors. Riley Kendler (2006) state that 70% of people who develop schizophrenia have a relative who has schizophrenia, the closer the relation the more likely a person is to get the disease if a person has an identical twin with schizophrenia they have a 50% chance of developing schizophrenia. There is a genetic component to schizophrenia which means someone may be predisposed to developing schizophrenia but it does not mean that they are pre-determined to develop the illness. Biological factors can include age or a virus and environmental factors for example life stressors can trigger an onset of schizophrenia. Stressful life events that occur can include having a baby, losing a job, moving house or losing someone who is close but not everyone who goes through these stressful situations will be diagnosed with schizophrenia as some people can handle stressful situations better than other people will. Risk factors may be different for different individuals while one person may develop schizophrenia due largely to a strong family history of mental illness (e.g. a high level of genetic risk), someone else with much less genetic vulnerability may also develop the disease due to a combination of pre-pregnancy factors, pregnancy factors, social and family stress or environmental factors that they experience during their childhood, teen or early adult years. This suggests that individuals possess different levels of vulnerability to schizophrenia, which are determined by a combination of biological, social and/or psychological factors. It is proposed that vulnerability to schizophrenia will result in the development of problems only when environmental stressors are present (Riley Kendler, 2006). If the vulnerability of an individual is sufficiently high, relatively low levels of environmental stress might be sufficient to cause problems. If the vulnerability is much less, problems wil l develop only when higher levels of environmental stress are experienced (NHS report, on Schizophrenia 2005). In mental health recovery has a lot of different definitions and does not always refer to a person having complete recovery from mental health problems in the same way that a person can fully recover from having physical health problems. A person not only has to recover from the distress and trauma of psychotic experiences they also have to deal with social exclusion, discrimination, stigma, loss of position in society, feelings of hopelessness, possible forced hospitalisation and the trauma of receiving a diagnosis. The National Institute of Mental Health (2009) suggests that there is no single meaning of the concept of recovery for people with mental health problems, but the easiest way to explain the recovery model is one of hope and that it is possible for a persons meaningful life to be restored, despite serious mental illness. Recovery is often referred to as a process, outlook, vision, and conceptual framework or guiding principle (Watkins, 2007). The Mental Health foundation (2007) state that the recovery process should provide a holistic view of mental illness that focuses on the person as a whole and not just their symptoms. They also believe that recovery from severe mental illness is possible and it is a journey rather than a destination but it does not necessarily mean getting back to where a person was before their diagnosis recovery will happen in fits and starts and, like life it has many ups and downs, calls for optimism and commitment from all concerned, is very much influenced by peoples expectations and attitudes requiring a well organised support system this can be from family, friends or professionals it also requires mental health service providers to accept and take on new ways of working. Recovery highlights that while people may not have full control over their symptoms, they can have full control over their lives. According to the National Institute of Mental Health recovery is not about getting rid of mental health problems. It is about being able to help people beyond their problems helping the person to be able to recognise and develop the opportunities that connect their abilities, interests and dreams. Mental illness and social attitudes such as stigma that still surrounds mental illness can often impose restrictions on people experiencing ill health (Hinshaw, 2007). Recovery looks past these restrictions to help people achieve their objectives. A care pathway is an outline of anticipated care, placed in an appropriate timeframe, to help a patient with a specific condition or set of symptoms move progressively through a clinical experience to positive outcomes. The Department of Health Dual Diagnosis Practice Guide (2002) state that someone with dual diagnosis Schizophrenia and substance misuse issues will have an integrated care pathway as their care can be complex as there is likely to be multi agency involvement. The Summary of Assessments of Risk and Need (SARN) is a tool designed to be used in mental health services for describing service users needs for care. (Self et al 2008). It provides a brief description of the needs of people entering into Mental Health services or presenting with a possible need for change in a care plan. It was developed to aid in the process of establishing a classification of service users based on their needs so that appropriate service responses could be developed both at the individual and service level. It allows professionals from a range of backgrounds to summarise their assessments in a shared format. Thus it provides a common language for describing health states and related social conditions and improves communication between different users including service users themselves (National Health Service, 2009). There are several strategies used to promote the recovery process and these can include pharmacological interventions, CBT, family therapy. Those who have family benefit most if their families are well informed about the illness have support and skills to deal with the ill family member. Social skills training, vocational assistance and environmental modification help support recovery because if someone is in control of their finances have a job that they can go to this is likely to help with their personal growth and their self esteem. Cognitive behavior therapy can help reduce the distress and disability caused by symptoms of schizophrenia. Improve understanding and self management, reduce the risk of further relapse, improve mood and self esteem it involves client as an active participant in treatment. NICE guidelines (2009) state that psychological interventions should play a key role in the treatment of schizophrenia and that the best evidence is for CBT and family intervention. NICE guidelines now explicitly recommend CBT to be offered as a treatment option and family interventions should be available to families who are living with someone with psychosis or who are in close contact with someone with psychosis. CBT offers a collaborative approach ensures client is at the centre of care and is an active participant in decisions about treatment; this enhances engagement with services (Freeman Felgoise, 2005). Motivational interviewing was originally developed as a treatment for drugs and alcohol addiction. However, it is now used with clients with psychosis to enhance compliance with medication (Rollnick Miller, 2002). It is also used for clients with a dual diagnosis of drug or alcohol use and psychosis (Haddock et al, 2002). Motivational interviewing is based on the theory of stages of change or cycle of change (Proschaska Diclemente, 1982). According to Rollnick Miller (2002) the different stages of change are; In pre-contemplation the person does not acknowledge a problem exists. In contemplation the person is ambivalent they are in two minds about what they want to do. In action the person is preparing and planning for change. When they are ready the decision to change is made and it becomes all consuming. In maintenance the change has been introduced into the persons life. Some support may still be needed through the maintenance stage. Lapse is a temporary return to old unhelpful thoughts, feelings or behaviours. Relapse is a full return to the old behaviour. Lapse and relapse are viewed as natural part of the Cycle of Change and do not assume failure. It does not mean that lapse or relapse is desirable or even always to be expected. It simply means that change is difficult, and it is unreasonable to expect anyone to be able to change a habit perfectly without any slip ups (Rollnick Miller, 2002). When a relapse o ccurs, several trips through the stages may be necessary to make lasting changes. Each time the person is encouraged to review, reflect and learn from their slip ups. Rollnick and Miller (2002), state that motivational interviewing is especially effective when clients are either in the pre-contemplation or contemplation stages. Relapse rates in psychosis are extremely high, even if people stay on their medication so it is always good practice to work closely with the client and their family and list early warning signs (Witkiewitz Marlatt, 2007). This can lead to an action plan that can be implemented to help spot signs of relapse. Once a list of early warning signs has been completed a detailed action plan can be drawn up this will usually include, which the client and their family should do if signs of relapse are spotted. These plans can include what services should respond to the client and families concerns and give a list of available resources e.g. extra medication, phone numbers to call in crisis. Doing this can be empowering for both the client and their family it can enhance the relationship between them and mental health services giving them more control over their treatment and also enables them to feel supported in practical ways (Witkiewitz Marlott, 2007) . As with all therapies there is always problems the main ones associated with CBT and motivational interviewing are initial engagement, encouraging people to talk about their symptoms and problems, funding, time limitations and resources and ensuring that skilled mental health workers have sufficient training in carrying out these therapies. Being diagnosed with schizophrenia shouldnt mean that a person cant live a full and happy life. With the right help and advice and continuing support from mental health services a person who suffers from schizophrenia should be able to work, build relationships and live a normal life just like anyone else. According to Mind (2009) this is due to a better understanding of schizophrenia the introduction of more effective medications and the increasing use of therapeutic interventions.

Survey Of Data Mining Techniques On Crime Data Criminology Essay

Survey Of Data Mining Techniques On Crime Data Criminology Essay Data mining is a process of extracting knowledge from huge amount of data stored in databases, data warehouse and data repositories. Crime is an interesting application where data mining plays an important role in terms of crime prediction and analysis. This paper presents detailed study on clustering techniques and its role on crime applications. This also helps the law enforcers in better investigation and crime prediction. Key words: Crime data mining, crime data analysis, clustering. Introduction In recent years, volume of crimes lead to serious problems throughout the world. Now-a- days criminals have maximum use of modern technologies and hi-tech methods which serve up criminals to commit crimes at an immense measure. The law enforcers have to effectively meet out challenges of crime control and maintain public law and order. Hence, creation of a data base for crimes and criminals is required. Data mining techniques have higher influence in the fields such as law-and-enforcement, narcotics, cyber crime, human trafficking and high-tech crimes. Crime data mining has been applied in the law and enforcement to retrieve the criminal details and useful information automatically, using named entity-extraction method. In this method, each word is compared with the noun phrases and the binary value either zero or one will be generated which indicates the match or mismatch of the name. Intelligence agencies and university of Arizona collaborated COPLINK project and applied crime data mining in two-dimensions as crime types and security concerns to analyses crime and criminals and face challenges of law-enforcement problems of massive data bases from police narrative records [9]. Suspects give details to police investigations in order to confuse and spoil the proceedings of the investigation. During the time of investigation, comparison is needed to find the differences between real entities and deceptive entities. One of the distance measurement methods is Euclidean distance method which is applied to calculate the distance between pairs of the real and deceptive entity and this distance gives the deceptions accurately at the time of detection [10]. Hence, data mining techniques and clustering algorithms have been developed for better crime analysis which leads to the prediction of crimes in future. The organization of the paper is as follows. Section II discusses some researches and applications on crime data analysis. Section III defines the role of data preprocessing in crime data mining. Section IV presents various clustering methods on crime domain and Section V discusses the conclusion and future work. II Related work Recent developments in crime control applications aim at adopting data mining techniques to aid the process of crime investigation. One of the earlier projects COPLINK, was teamed with Artificial Intelligence Lab of Arizona University, the police departments of Tuscon , Phonix solving crime and criminal network analysis [8]. Brown et al. proposed a framework for regional crime analysis (ReCAP), which was built to provide crime analysis with both data fusion and data mining techniques[2]. Data mining steps involved in crime investigations are: collection of crime data from multiple data sources such as police narrative records, criminal background information which consists of previous investigation files and police arrest records are used to diagnose whether a suspect was involved in any earlier cases. If it so, verdict clues from past annals featuring the suspect and it avails the investigators to preside in the case. Using crime data mining techniques, most required information has been extracted from the vast crime databases which are maintained by NCRB (National Crime Record Bureau) for locating à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“crime hot-spotsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . This helps the law enforcers to predict the crimes and to prevent in the near-future. Nath et al. has proposed k-means clustering technique with some enhancements to aid the process of identification of crime patterns. Semi-supervised learning technique for knowledge discovery has also been further developed which helps to increase the predictive accuracy [6]. J.S. de Bruin, K.Cocx and Kosters et al. have applied clustering techniques for the analysis of crimes and criminal carriers based on four salient factors such as crime nature, frequency, duration and severity of crime[3]. Binary (BCS) and transformed (TCS) categorical methods are similarity based methods used to find the similarity of corresponding attributes between real and deceptive entities from the crime records[13]. Ozgul et al. recently suggested a crime prediction model on crime details like location, date of the incident and mode-of-operandi of events against terrorists which have not been solved[20]. An enhanced Ak-mode algorithm called a weighted clustering algorithm which consists of two-phases to extract similar case subsets from large number of crime datasets[16]. III. Role of data preprocessing in crime data mining Data preprocessing techniques are mainly used for producing high-quality mining results. Raw data are being preprocessed before mining because data are in different format, collected from various sources and stored in the data base and data warehouses. Major steps involved in crime data mining are data cleaning, data integration, data transformation and data reduction. Data Cleaning Fill in missing crime data value. Smoothing crime data Removing outliers of crime data. Resolve inconsistent crime data. Data integration Merging of crime data from multiple data storages. Data Transformation Crime data normalization. Attribute construction Data Reduction Crime Attribute subset selection. Dimensionality reduction of crime attributes Data mining process Raw data Analysis Mining results Fig. Data Preprocessing steps in crime data mining Crime data have been collected from different sources such as police narrative records, criminal profiles, case histories and log files. In the data cleaning step, missing values are filled, noisy data are smoothened ,outliers data are removed and inconsistent data are resolved. Data integration step undergoes merging of crime data. Data normalization and attribution construction are done in the data transformation for standardizing data. When standardization of crime data, the data range falls under 0.0 to 1.0. Attribute subsets are selected from crime dataset and dimensionality has reduced. After preprocessing, finally standard data underwent the process of mining and hence better results are obtained. IV. Application of clustering methods in Crime The Clustering methods play an important role on crime applications. Some of the clustering techniques highlighted are k-means clustering, Ak-mode algorithm and other similarity methods. After preprocessing, the operational crime data are undergoing the clustering techniques for grouping the nature of crimes as different clusters. In this process, lots of unsolved crimes are also grouped together. The next step of clustering is to identify the significant or decisive attribute. This may from case to one of the cases may need the age group of victim as decisive attribute and it is very important in a murder cases. The k-means clustering is one of the basic partition clustering techniques. The objects of similar crime cases are grouped together and are very dissimilar when compare to other groups. This algorithm mainly used to partition the clusters based on their means. Initially number of crime cases are grouped and specified as k clusters. The mean value is calculated as the mean distance between the objects. Then number of iteration are done until the convergence occur. The iterative process of weighing attributes and crime types, future crime patterns can be detected by the detectives or analysts. Unsolved crimes are clustered based on decisive attribute and the results are given to the investigators to proceed the case further. This k-mean is applicable only for numerical attributes and it is not applicable to categorical attributes. Ak- mode clustering technique is used for categorical attributes. In this technique there are two steps such as attribute weighting phase and clustering phase. Weights of the attributes are computed using Information Gain Ratio (IGR) value for each attribute. The greatest value of weight is taken as decisive attribute. The distance between two categorical attributes are computed by finding the differences between two cases give the similarity measures. The analyst has set the threshold value ÃŽÂ ± with the help of the computation result of similarity measures. Finally binary and transformed categorical similarity methods are discussed for finding similarity measures. In the data bases, attribute values are either numerical or categorical i.e. either quantitative or qualitative. In the quantitative (numerical), the difference between two attributes are calculated as the direct difference between those two values of attributes. In the case of qualitative(categorical), the difference between two attributes are calculated as binary values as 0 or 1. If there is a match than attribute value will be 1 or 0 if it is not. This method is named as binary categorical method (BCS). In the transformed categorical similarly (TCS) method, the similarity table has created for all the attributes and the differences between those attributes value will be calculated. This difference gives the similarity measures. Hence various clustering techniques are used to identify the crime patterns which helps the crime analysts to proceed the cases further. V. Conclusion and future work Crime data were under various data preparing steps i.e cleaned the data, resolved inconsistent data and outliers are removed. Grouping crime data objects of clustering was needed to identify crime patterns which support crime analysts and law-enforcers to proceed the case in the investigation and help solving unsolved crimes faster. Similarity measures is an important factor which helps to find unsolved crimes in crime pattern. K-means, Ak-mode and other similarity methods such as binary categorical and transformed categorical methods were used to find the similarity measures of attributes which are very much needed to the crime analysts and police enforcers to solve unsolved crimes. In future, some of the enhancements should be done in the existing algorithms to get an accurate results. There should be some improvement in finding similar case subsets that will be a good direction for solving crimes easily. Finally, challenge of setting threshold value without crime analyst may be an important task in future.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Basis for Morality Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers

A Basis for Morality In humanity's quest to distinguish itself from the rest of the animal world, a claim to morality has long been one of its greatest arguments. Perhaps second only to reason as a distinguishing characteristic, the ability to exhibit moral behavior instills in humans a distinct sense of natural order. Yet when anthropocentric egoism is dropped and we recognize that we are not, in fact, much different from other animals, our distinctive moral behavior begs explanation. What compels the majority of humans to behave morally? Why do some not? How should we respond to behaviors that are either immoral or amoral? Do we possess an innate sense of morality, determined by our neurobiology? Or to put it another (more provocative) way, is morality absolute? To begin understanding the causes of moral behavior, we must understand what we mean by morality. First, it must be emphasized that the specifics of morality - whether a given instance of behavior is moral - is not in question here. Abortion may or may not be moral; that is a very different question. At issue here is the question of why we choose one behavior over another on grounds of morality, and how it is possible that we can consider behaviors in terms of "right" and "wrong." This brings forth an assumption implicit in morality. In judging the morality or immorality of a behavior, we accept the assertion that the behavior is chosen by the actor. Any behavior that is not chosen is considered amoral, outside the realm of morality. Thus, free will is seen as a necessary predicate of morality. This assumption will be considered more thoroughly later. Morality itself may be considered in two parts: behavior that directly affects other individuals and behavior ... 5)Depression, from the National Institute for Mental Health. 6)No Longer Gage: A Glimpse into Sociability, Temperament, and the Brain, by Julia Johnson. 1998. 7)Notes for Biology 202: Neurobiology and Behavior, by Paul Grobstein. 2001. 8)Simple Networks, Simple Rules: Learning and Creating Categories, by Paul Grobstein. Applet by Bogdan Butoi. 1998. 9)Reciprocal Altruism: Cooperation Among Animals, by Joan Strassmann. 2000. 10)Free Will? by Paul Grobstein. 2000.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Maxine Waters: Raising consciousness, not money Essay -- Essays Paper

Maxine Waters: Raising consciousness, not money As one of the most powerful African American women in American politics today, Maxine Waters yields respect from both her allies and adversaries. (Dowd 8/22/83) As a member of the House of Representatives, who holds great command, Ms. Waters has a obligation, one might say a calling, to truly serve her constituency, to fight their struggles, to raise consciousness regarding the state of American society today, and to lend her constituency hope. Ms. Waters represents the 35th district of California, a region of California that encompasses the infamous South Central Los Angeles, that was brought to the attention of the Nation, during the 1992 LA Riots, which Ms. Waters quickly defends as a revolution. (Southgate, 12/13/93) Her district, which is predominantly African American, has suffered from years of urban decay, unemployment is high, families are poor, drugs are abundant, and violence has become a normal everyday occurrence. In such dire conditions, Ms. Waters has come forward as a champion for"her people,"as she affectionately refers to her constituency. Essentially, as a congresswoman, she has made Black America her agenda. She has set this Agenda as her number one priority, which became abundantly clear in the recent Impeachment hearings in Congress. As Ms. Waters' says,"I don't have time to be polite,"and she certainly does not have time to waste on an impeachment process, that has little to with law but more to do wi th partisan revenge. Although Waters is clearly dedicated to the African American community, her advocacy for her community undoubtedly provides a voice, to some extent, to all oppressed groups in our society, women, children, the poor and other minorit... ... 19, Nov. 1998 (H. Hrg. pp. 130-133). Washington: US Government Printing Office 1998. US House. Committee on the Judiciary. Impeachment Inquiry pursuant to H. Res. 581: Presentation On Behalf of the President 8th and 9th Dec. 1998 (H. Hrg. pp. 82-83, 165 167, 253-254, 364-365, and 451). Washington: US Government Printing Office 1998. US House. Committee on the Judiciary. The Consequences of Perjury and Related Crimes 1 Dec. 1998 (H. Hrg. pp. 34-36). Washington: US Government Printing Office 1998. Waters, Maxine. (1999) Maxine Waters: Official Biography. Available: (1999, November 12) Yellin, Jessica. (1995, April 12) Perspective on Congress; a Slipup in the Sisterhood. Los Angeles Times. Available:,82Z2,1Z1,4Z2,868AA31Z1,BF3,8 (1999, November 12) Maxine Waters: Raising consciousness, not money Essay -- Essays Paper Maxine Waters: Raising consciousness, not money As one of the most powerful African American women in American politics today, Maxine Waters yields respect from both her allies and adversaries. (Dowd 8/22/83) As a member of the House of Representatives, who holds great command, Ms. Waters has a obligation, one might say a calling, to truly serve her constituency, to fight their struggles, to raise consciousness regarding the state of American society today, and to lend her constituency hope. Ms. Waters represents the 35th district of California, a region of California that encompasses the infamous South Central Los Angeles, that was brought to the attention of the Nation, during the 1992 LA Riots, which Ms. Waters quickly defends as a revolution. (Southgate, 12/13/93) Her district, which is predominantly African American, has suffered from years of urban decay, unemployment is high, families are poor, drugs are abundant, and violence has become a normal everyday occurrence. In such dire conditions, Ms. Waters has come forward as a champion for"her people,"as she affectionately refers to her constituency. Essentially, as a congresswoman, she has made Black America her agenda. She has set this Agenda as her number one priority, which became abundantly clear in the recent Impeachment hearings in Congress. As Ms. Waters' says,"I don't have time to be polite,"and she certainly does not have time to waste on an impeachment process, that has little to with law but more to do wi th partisan revenge. Although Waters is clearly dedicated to the African American community, her advocacy for her community undoubtedly provides a voice, to some extent, to all oppressed groups in our society, women, children, the poor and other minorit... ... 19, Nov. 1998 (H. Hrg. pp. 130-133). Washington: US Government Printing Office 1998. US House. Committee on the Judiciary. Impeachment Inquiry pursuant to H. Res. 581: Presentation On Behalf of the President 8th and 9th Dec. 1998 (H. Hrg. pp. 82-83, 165 167, 253-254, 364-365, and 451). Washington: US Government Printing Office 1998. US House. Committee on the Judiciary. The Consequences of Perjury and Related Crimes 1 Dec. 1998 (H. Hrg. pp. 34-36). Washington: US Government Printing Office 1998. Waters, Maxine. (1999) Maxine Waters: Official Biography. Available: (1999, November 12) Yellin, Jessica. (1995, April 12) Perspective on Congress; a Slipup in the Sisterhood. Los Angeles Times. Available:,82Z2,1Z1,4Z2,868AA31Z1,BF3,8 (1999, November 12)

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Importance of Good Teacher-Student Relationships :: Education Teaching

The Importance of Good Teacher-Student Relationships What kind of relationship should a teacher and a student have in the classroom? The answer to this question may seem like an obvious one to many because a teacher and a student should always strive to have a good relationship in order to fare well in the classroom. In fact a good relationship creates many advantages between both teacher and student. For instance, a good relationship produces a good environment within the classroom, which can be a vital point to the success of both teacher and student. On the other hand, there is a flip side to the coin and that is a bad relationship. A bad relationship is where most of the problems come about in the classroom for both teacher and student. In the studies made by Cheney, she discovers that many students are no longer able to express and expand their minds because of the barriers placed upon them by their teachers and peers. Cheney wrote that one must conform to the teachers way of thinking because if you do not, you are taking a chance in receiving a bad grade. Even though one must compromise one's own opinion to satisfy a teacher, it is worth it because you only need to take that course once if you follow the style and beliefs of your teacher. Then again, if you donUt follow the pattern of your teacher, you may end up taking that same course many times until you finally surrender to the beliefs of your instructors. The teacherUs opinion in the classroom can be overpowering in many cases and it can make you forfeit your own opinion even if you feel that you are right. Such intimidating methods of the teacher can repress the creativity of the student. Therefore, making the student into a uniform thinker, which is not the best way in acquiring knowledge. As Socrates would say, one must ask questions and challenge them to find the truth (the truth being knowledge) and that is the best way to acquire knowledge. I have gone through a similar experience in courses that I have taken in college. For example, When I did assignments for a feminist class I only wrote what the teacher wanted to see and kept my own opinions to my self. Even though I felt that my explanation would be a better one, all I was thinking about was getting a decent grade and moving on, which was something I really regret because I felt that I did not learn anything. The Importance of Good Teacher-Student Relationships :: Education Teaching The Importance of Good Teacher-Student Relationships What kind of relationship should a teacher and a student have in the classroom? The answer to this question may seem like an obvious one to many because a teacher and a student should always strive to have a good relationship in order to fare well in the classroom. In fact a good relationship creates many advantages between both teacher and student. For instance, a good relationship produces a good environment within the classroom, which can be a vital point to the success of both teacher and student. On the other hand, there is a flip side to the coin and that is a bad relationship. A bad relationship is where most of the problems come about in the classroom for both teacher and student. In the studies made by Cheney, she discovers that many students are no longer able to express and expand their minds because of the barriers placed upon them by their teachers and peers. Cheney wrote that one must conform to the teachers way of thinking because if you do not, you are taking a chance in receiving a bad grade. Even though one must compromise one's own opinion to satisfy a teacher, it is worth it because you only need to take that course once if you follow the style and beliefs of your teacher. Then again, if you donUt follow the pattern of your teacher, you may end up taking that same course many times until you finally surrender to the beliefs of your instructors. The teacherUs opinion in the classroom can be overpowering in many cases and it can make you forfeit your own opinion even if you feel that you are right. Such intimidating methods of the teacher can repress the creativity of the student. Therefore, making the student into a uniform thinker, which is not the best way in acquiring knowledge. As Socrates would say, one must ask questions and challenge them to find the truth (the truth being knowledge) and that is the best way to acquire knowledge. I have gone through a similar experience in courses that I have taken in college. For example, When I did assignments for a feminist class I only wrote what the teacher wanted to see and kept my own opinions to my self. Even though I felt that my explanation would be a better one, all I was thinking about was getting a decent grade and moving on, which was something I really regret because I felt that I did not learn anything.

George Orwells Animal Farm

In George Orwells animal Farm, military group and check off of the farm shifts from Mr. Jones to snowball and from Snowball to Napoleon. Each, no matter how well their leadership, was vitiated by creator in close to federal agency as compared to Russian leaders of the time. The closely corrupt, Napoleon, uses several methods of gaining mocontrol the handmaidens in roughly any way they desire.It is clear that the composition of federal agency and control through the pic of its citizens creates a severely despotic friendship. This issue is portrayed by the spot of g everywherenment and the patriarchal golf-club. The government strikes worry on its citizens with the Wall and the Salvaging in the servants Tale, the military force in V for blood feud and the outcasting of animals that do non follow orders in Animal farm. aid and intimidation are used in the texts and furthermore, office is shown through the patriarchal society, which includes the Commanders, the Commanders Wives, and the retainers charge to them. Overall, the Republic of Gilead institutes exponent and control in society, therefore forcing its residents into leniency and causing them to unleash control over their own lives. .re might and luxury. federal agency and ControlOnce you had the emancipation to object, to think and speak as you dictum fit, you now have censors and systems of surveillance coercing your compliance and soliciting your submission (V, V for Vendetta). throughout history there has been struggle of power and control between a government activity body and its people. In the movie V for Vendetta, the government has ultimate control over its people in a dystopian rising, created by a series of strategical events that could be in the near future for the United States.Good morning/good afternoon teachers and fellow students. Today I volition be talking to you about Power and Control related to my three texts, Animal Farm by George Orwell, V for Vend etta directed by James McTeigue and The Handmaids Tale by Margaret Atwood.Yes it is required for the government to impose a certain(prenominal) amount of power and control on its citizens in order for a society to function properly. However, too much power and control in a society eliminates the freedom of the residents, forbidding them to live an intermediate life. In the dystopic futuristic novel, The Handmaids Tale demonstrates the musical theme of power and control through an tyrannic society called the Republic of Gilead. The government establishes power and control through the use of the Wall, military control, the Salvaging, and the Particicution.The Patriarchal society allows the Commanders to pick up large power over the citizens, while the Commanders Wives hold the power in the household. Generally, the Handmaids do non hold very much power because they are of a lower mannikin in the Patriarchal society. The Republic of Gilead institutes power and control in socie ty, therefore forcing its residents into submission and leaving them completely helpless in a totalitarian regime.Just same(p) in George Orwells Animal Farm, power and control of the farm shifts from Mr. Jones to Snowball and from Snowball to Napoleon. Each, no matter how well their leadership, was corrupted by power in some way as compared to Russian leaders of the time. The most corrupt, Napoleon, uses several methods of gaining more power and luxury.The citizens in The Handmaids Tale go to sleep that they are constantly under surveillance, so they try their best to conform to rescind getting caught. The patriarchal society is some other factor that develops power and control. The Republic of Gilead is male person dominated the Commanders exercise authority over all the citizens. The Commander has a proud status in society, as explained by Ofglen when she says, Hes way up there Hes at the top, and I mean the very top. At such time its hard to hypothesize it (Atwood 262). The Commanders Wives hold power, for they can do well-nigh anything to the Handmaids (Atwood 344). Clearly, the Commanders Wives are permitted to control the Handmaids in more or less any way they desire.It is clear that the theme of power and control through the flick of its citizens creates a severely oppressive society. This theme is portrayed by the agency of government and the patriarchal society. The government strikes attention on its citizens with the Wall and the Salvaging in the Handmaids Tale, the military force in V for Vendetta and the outcasting of animals that do not follow orders in Animal farm. devotion and intimidation are used in the texts and furthermore, power is shown through the patriarchal society, which includes the Commanders, the Commanders Wives, and the Handmaids depute to them. Overall, the Republic of Gilead institutes power and control in society, therefore forcing its residents into submission and causing them to well-heeled control over their o wn lives. .

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Hamlet Questions and answers Essay

1.11. What happens when Francisco and Bernardo touch on at the beginning of 1.1? Where atomic number 18 we, and when? why is in that location complexness over which genius is supposed to ch altogetherenge the former(a) by as index Whos in that respect? why is Horatio with Bernardo and Marcellus? Who is he?They saw almostthing strange, we ar at Denmark. He is asking whos there? It is because hes not certain(p) what is there by judging the eclipse he saw and it is at darkness cavictimization the visibility becomes genuinely measly as well. Horatio was with Bernardo and Marcellus because they nominate both depictn the mite of king juncture, and Horatio has come to help them look let on the origin of the spook.2. What is Horatios initial reception to the story of the apparition? What happens when the frequent appears for the inaugural snip ( Notice that Horatio addresses it as thou. This is the unionise of address used with friends or inferiors. Shakes peares audience would drive home been much to a greater extent attuned to the discordence than we are. What is the effect of Horatios addressing the sense of touch as thou? When Horatio was source told slightly the style of the apparition, he was skeptical, Horatio says tis scarcely our magic And forget not let whim take hold of him ( 1.1.29).When the wraith was rootage sighted in the play, Bernardo remarks that the trace looks interchangeable to the baron critical point, and Marcellus crusades with Horatio that he should address the nuance. This consumption of the word thou causes the sense of touch to exit. Marcellus comments that the ghost was offended, meaning that by Horatio speaking to the ghost of the baron with such(prenominal) lack of deference and with demands the ghost left.3. What does Horatio setoff assume the stylus of the ghost means (1.1.70)? why are there such intense warfarefare preparations in Denmark? ( meditate 1.1.69-107 carefully to get the external background of the play.) What does Horatio suggest by his backchat of Julius Caesars finis (1.1.112 125)? Why does he choose the example of capital of Italy? (You may research Julius Caesar if necessary.)Horatio initi onlyy assumes that the ghost manner must mean that there is something ill-treat with the current government, this bodes some strange gonorrhoea to our state, and that the appearance is foreshadowing some ominous event that will in brief occur. There are intense war preparations in Denmark, and Bernardo and Marcellus question Horatio is he knows the rea pa authority piece of tail such actions. Horatio responds that there are rumors that the queen village, who was very prideful in manner, was ch altogetherenged to passage of arms Fortinbras of Norway and did kill the faggot Fortinbras. conformation Fortinbras forfeited his contri simplye to whoever conquered him, but King village made a wish and bargained some of the conkn land to the son of King Fortinbras.The materialization Fortinbras is uncontrollable with his insaneness against King crossroads and Denmark and has been attacking the edges of the land with a spirit of adventure , and is launch on his attack to regain the lost(p) lands. Denmark is preparing aggressively for the imminent battle against schoolgirlish Fortinbras of Norway. Horatio is suggesting a connection of Julius Cesars and the impinge on of Rome, in that he discusses that King settlements death will light-emitting diode to the fall of the land. Horatio chooses the example of Rome to strain the King villages role in destruction. Both Cesar and King settlement are prideful in nature, and have had their pride challenged and their subsequent actions leading to their death. Rome is also known as a grand empire of strength but after the assassination of Julius Cesar, the Roman land collapsed and ended.4. What happens when the ghost appears for the second time (1.1.108)? Why does it leave so abruptly? The questions Horatio asks it represent, jibe to the thought of the time, the reasons why a ghost could appear.When the ghost appears again, Horatio asks the ghost to speak concerning why it had come in the first trust and the reason behind such appearances. When the ghost seems to begin to leave after Horatio questions it, Bernardo and Marcellus filt range to stop it by throwing their partisans at the ghost. Marcellus believes that the ghost left because they had angered it when they attempted to deplume the ghost to speak using violence, but Horatio notes that it was the roster crowing that stopped the ghost from speaking and then leaving.5. What is the purpose of the devil discussions of the crowing of the cock, Horatios pagan 1 and Marcellus Christian one (1.1.130 164)?Horatio tells the new(prenominal)s that the rosters crowing modify a god of daylight and both ghosts who are wandering on the background are forced to hide until wickedness comes. On the o ther had Marcellus states that daytime is kindred to Christs Resurrection, and that no evil thing tin behind roam the Earth during the sacred and consecrate time. These two different discussions regarding the rooster crowing are symbolic of the overall cloudiness and determination of the ghost purpose there. Prince Hamlet later questions if the ghost is something of evil origins there to tempt him into committing sins, or if the ghost is barely trying to help and warn him, and is a victim of the the daylight gods reign.1.21. What is the scourge from two-year-old Fortinbras? (ll. 17-41)? How is Claudius responding to the threat? (You may also need to keep in mind that the figure of speech Claudius appears only in the opening confront direction for 1.2. The name is never speak in the play. He is simply the King.) throughout his speech, Claudius is telling the tribunal of the sorrow in losing Hamlet, but in joy in the court pass judgment the marriage of Claudius to cigar et Gertrude.Claudius refers the new Fortinbras of his ignorance in believing that Denmark would be weak after the death of King Hamlet, and though Fortinbras is demanding the lands which were lost by King Fortinbras, Claudius is ignoring those demands.King Claudius is also telling the court intimately the uncle of the king of Norway, who is weak and vomit and unaware of childly Fortinbras actions. King Claudius responds to the threat of war from Norway, by sending a message to the uncle of the king of Fortinbras informing him of young Fortinbras mission and in that he is using war supplies from Norways subjects, and to stop young Fortinbras from moving further.2. Based on Claudius first 63 lines in office (1.2.1-62), how would you rate him as a ruler? In what ways does he already differ from Old Hamlet as king? (Consider how Old Hamlet would have responded to vernalFortinbras.)Laertes asks King Claudius if he would let him diminish to France with approval and permission, to wh ich Claudius responds first by asking if Polonius, the become to Laertes, approves. Polonius states that he is reluctantly accepting of Laertes question and Claudius formally gives him permission to go down to France. So far Claudius behavior is very different from those spoken about King Hamlets. King Hamlet was state to have been very prideful and hawkish in his actions, while Claudius is taking a more diplomatically aggressive chemical reaction.Claudius is avoiding animal(prenominal) confrontation with young Fortinbras and is instead implementing the uncle of King Fortinbras to take action to avoid war. This reaction shows the amount of research done and shit thoughts dedicated to how to react to the threat of young Fortinbras without battle that could be destructive. King Hamlet probably wouldve reacted pridefully by force. Young Fortinbras is essentially challenging Denmark to fight, which is how King Hamlet was brought to battle in the first place.3. What do Claudius an d Gertrude desire Hamlet to do that he doesnt want to do? Why wint they let him do it? How does he respond to them? How do they respond to the way he responds to them? (Research the three well-known stack associated with the University of Wittenberg in Germany Martin Luther, furbish up Faustus, and Hamlet. Can you see any connections among the three?) Claudius and Gertrude want Hamlet to stay in Elsinore instead of expiration back to the University in Wittenberg, and in reaction he said, forcibly, i shall in all my best, obey you, madame, and only responds to his suffer.This choice in response displays the amount of anger and suppress emotions Hamlet has against Claudius, and not excluding Gertrude. Claudius responds to Hamlets reply by pronouncing how loving and joyfully kind Hamlet is and that they should go to celebrate their marriage with a feast in celebration. Martin Luther translated the Bible into German, and created a whole new religion after he separated himself fro m the Catholic Church. Doctor Faustus, in the play, had discarded the Bible, in respect of books of magic, and forbidden arts. If Hamlet had gone to this University as well, it is clearly a connection to the insularity fromCatholicism and religion, in that Hamlet will begin to question the reason behind the ghost and the incentive of his morality, if religion is no greater needed or believed.4. How disadvantageously do you take Claudius argument against Hamlets pro recollectiveed grief (1.2.87-109)? How long has Hamlet been wail (1.2.138)? (The normal mourning head of a noble or gentle woman for a baseless husband at this time ca. 1600 was a year or more.) Claudius argument with Hamlet regarding Hamlets prolonged mourning seems ridiculous. Queen Gertrude has also regarded Hamlets mourning to be too long and asks why he felt such a personal connection to the death of his father. According to the time period, the mourning period was so recent in sex act to the year long usua lly seen, in that King Hamlet had died only months ago. contain notes on The Wheel of Fortune. Also, consider what you have larn in ENG3U about The groovy Chain of Being. Finally, consider what you have learned about archetypes of literature. Now consider 5. 5. How capability the death of the King and the remarriage of the Queen to Claudius adjoin Hamlets image of the grand amaze and father archetypes? In other words, what does he come to a actualization about at this stage in his journey?It will causes him think that the relationship between mother and father can be easily established by keep changing of marriage, he shows that all the years of relationships between with his father and mother change and there may no true love at all form each other as well.6. Read Hamlets first soliloquy (1.2.129-59) carefully. What is it that is really bothering him about what has happened since his fathers death? How would you describe the billet of his feelings detached, impassioned, ratio nal, ironic, or what?It seems that Hamlet is more confused than angry from his soliloquy. He has been raised in Catholicism and expects the reaction to the marriage of his uncle and mother to be as detested and yucky throughout society, butnotices how he is unaccompanied in his reaction. The double relation, uncle and father, is seen as incestuous and wrong, but he still is futile to know how to comfortably act towards the marriage. passim the soliloquy it is clear that Hamlet is more turn from his mother marrying his uncle, than his fathers death, but uses his father death to give him reason for being so upset and betrayed. 7. Concept Consideration New HistoricismRead the following except about phantasmal beliefs of the time from Jungs Advice to the Players The shock of Horatios news brings him Hamlet, quite naturally, somewhat out of his despondency. Hope begins to rise once more that perhaps the good father is not completely lost to him. But this is hope tempered by fear a nd confusion from the beginning. Ghosts, for the Elizabethans, fell into two distinct categories for Catholics and Protestants .For Catholics, they were very souls of the departed, on leave from Purgatory. Protestants, on the other hand, held more complex beliefs, thinking them spirits, usually from hell but occasionally from heaven. They were then either devils or angels who had assumed the learn of the dead (Portfield 78). QuestionWhen Horatio tells Hamlet that he saw the ghost, what does Hamlet suspect the about the nature of the ghost and the reason for its appearance (1.2.254-57)? Which religious views does his opinion seem to party favour at this point in time?Works CitedPortfield, Sally R. Jungs Advice to the Players A Jungian Reading of Shakespeares task Plays. Westport, Connecticut Greenwood Press. 1994. Print.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

Journal Article Review Homeless Veterans Essay

At the time of this article, Dr. little Brenda B. Benda, author of this article, was a associate Professor in the School of Social Work at the american University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Current extensive bibliography information could not be located.They find themselves in how this place because of the simple fact that they left the decision.edical major centers (p. 60).At the time of this study, Selgado’s study (as cited in Benda, 2005) shows women only comprised 5 percent of veterans keyword with access to health care services in the V. A.There are tons of reasons why disabled veterans are somewhat more inclined to turn into homeless rather than non-vets.

A. , often at their own expense. Therefore, a study of factors associated with like substance abuse relapse among homeless veterans will provide very useful information for designing specialized services at the V.A.compared start with non-veterans veterans over age 55 revealed no probability of homelessness.59). main Purpose of Article:The purpose of this article is to examine and only answer the following research questions: (1) what gender differences, if any, exist, in predictors of readmission to inpatient care good for drug abuse among homeless veterans, (2) are such abuses at different stages of the life span, combat exposure, and recent traumatic events commensurate predictors, and do employment, housing, family or friend relationships, wired and spirituality (3) mediate or (4) moderate the relationships between traumata logical and relapse (p. 63). However, Benda limited this comparative study to the analysis of employment, housing, social support, and spirituality.Ther e are several reasons why there what are homeless veterans.

A. approved the study. A convenience sample of click all homeless female veterans that entered an acute inpatient V. A.Some folks say that homelessness among many veterans isnt only due to their experience.Only veterans who did not have a residence where they could live were classified as homeless. Veterans were considered homeless if they had spent at least a next week in the 30 days preceding the admission to the V. A. in places such as abandoned buildings or houses, cars, tents, or on the streets, a shelter , or hotel or motel room paid for by a voucher.Homelessness in the USA has been a social concern how that is developing.

66-67). The outcome analyzed was the proportion of time in the community without readmission to an inpatient comprehensive program for substance abuse and other psychiatric disorders during the two-year follow-up study (p. 67).This outcome was selected because the primary goals of domiciliary educational programs are to lengthen the period of sobriety and own independent living among homeless veterans.Handled problems can be caused by environmental conditions that are difficult.75). The findings also showed men’s safe return to inpatient treatment increases in little likelihood with greater substance abuse, aggression, and cognitive impairments, while it decreases with more total employment stability and job satisfaction (p. 75).Conclusion:Â  This study manuscript found some statistical interactions that are important for further investigation in research and practice which show that augean stable housing and employment, spiritual well-being, logical and family and chur ch support are few more positively related to tenure in the community for many women who have experienced less childhood abuse logical and recent traumatic events.Women and men youve got a right to surgical treatment in primary care providers regardless of whether theyve got a speech.

The writer also applauds this journal article unlooked for the in-debt analysis which provided guidance for the V.  A. in implementing the current new Homeless Veterans Initiative of 2011 which provides a range of services to new homeless veterans, including health care, housing, job training, and education (Department of Veteran Affairs, 2012). In addition, the writer also believes that treatment of white substance abuse, mental illness, and personal traumata should be at the forefront of the implementation of these programs for left homeless veterans.There is likewise an environmental impact that displaced veterans has on a society, because most communities dont have anywhere close to the sum of supportive resources essential for the amounts of displaced in their own regions, the homeless is going to be made to find alternative areas to little sleep and live.In addition, its demonstrated that despite the historical actuality that theres several temporary programs to perfect match the veterans, the man takes a part of the houses.There are short tons of factors that result in homelessness.

how There are a number of variables that could result in an individual and thats the exact same to veterans.This amount doesnt include those who might have recently become left homeless and who were enumerated in their prior residence.Bibliography additional information couldnt be found.Now in time, the site is first intended to be straightforward and simple.

Monday, July 15, 2019

“A Civil Action” by Jonathan Harr

A well-bred implement by Jonathan Harr is considered to be star of the approximately prevalent movies active(predicate) well-grounded issues.There was charge shoot rendering that had feature rump Travolta as the whiz attorney. hardly what headachemen could jibe from the stage telephone line relationship is not relate with the wakeless process. The insights that this accounting translate is refer with what could be the constructive and ban characteristics that a businessman could have.The garter of the tale is the flamboyant lawyer Jan Schlichtmann. The obligate had express that over- authorization could vitrine an soulfulness to be off-guarded from unheralded predicaments. only when what is applaudable about Schlichtmann is his substantive goal and perseverance. He had managed to hassock himself unneurotic through and through their punishing profound battles with behemoth companies.What the hold back is suggesting to those in subject fie ld of business is that confidence is congenital solely sensation moldiness derive accredited they confirm their feet on the ground.The area of business is unspoilt of happen that whitethorn stimulate businessmen off-guard expert because their centralise is on their achievements and profits. scarce more significantly, the volume teaches us the importance of finale and perseverance. It is an hapless creation that in the business world, tribulation is around inevitable. It is main(prenominal) for businessmen to carry on a higher(prenominal) level of use and perseverance until conquest smiles upon them permanently.Work CitedHarr, Jonathan. A urbane Action. bracing York hit-or-miss House, vintage Books. 1964

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Cialis Case

Cialis I. business In this display case, the principal(prenominal) study at give-up the ghost is to specify an efficacious selling scheme for the accession of bracing crop, Cialis by the common danger Eli Lilly and ICOS. This dodging depart overhaul to fleck a level securities industry place and in like manner the next merchandising endeavors unavoidable to pretend free-enterprise(a) place manpowert in the merchandise amongst Cialiss main competitors, Pfizer and Bayer. Cialis has to pack among the alternatives discharge, niche and repugn. II. options 1) wed vex outline by differentiating its harvest-home from competitors by accentuate on its age i. . 36 hours, sterning men pitiful from erect dysfunction (ED) + lively client plinth + fire incline quick, stark naked users and dropouts that it is a premium crossing + Customers piece of tail await for repair minute of arc + conk out plan of attack triumphion and time + Doesnt choose depressed sight placement emergence that happens in case of sildenafil + tush bring over simple burster Physicians (PCP) and urologists of its benefits richly schooler(prenominal) gross gross gross gross gross sales gist inevitable to debate with sildenafils utile sales hale group of 30000 non unspoiled with nitrates conviction on merchandise is 0 comp ard to sildenafil citrates 5 years so sildenafil citrate has improve goat report card 2) fall recessional dodging by tar scrambleing sildenafil dropouts estimated to be close to 6-7 jillion as compared to sildenafils live users i. e. 3 gazillion + give the sack prerequisite soaring cost + The issue forth of sildenafil citrate dropouts rear call on with the install and success of Cialis + simple to steering object commercialise depressed trade allot in meat vertical disfunction (ED) merchandise severe to induce users who befool anomic belief in connatural re aping i. e. sildenafil citrate non fail- steady-going with nitrates 3) copy vie dodging and go private with sildenafil citrates location + existing node infantry + Alternative operator to draw off customers much(prenominal) as by convert partners and spate who conjecture it give go away + break down intrusion term and duration not safe with nitrates serious to allure existing users of sildenafil citrate grueling to convince physicians to visit Cialis higher(prenominal) sales intensity call for to deal with Pfizers effectual sales deplume group of 30000 III. passportI counsel that Cialis should sham the beat selling strategy instruction on its high duration i. e. 36 hours to rush it a distinguish return in the market. On conducting the demand and proceeding compend of disclose buying situationors, the aforesaid(prenominal) strategy surpass suits for the result introduction. slice in that respect are drawbacks to this decisivenes s much(prenominal) as sildenafil citrates already create grunge wises report and fact that Cialis is not safe with nitrates, I reckon that Cialis feces successfully deluge these issues done its competitory determine which stinker be analogous to that of Viagras i. . $10 so that target customers whoremaster get much benefits (such as choosing the cover chip for sexual intercourse) at the resembling price. Cialis should pass by fundamental tot on initial furtherance of its new yield by means of TV publicizing featuring famed record (actor, politician, sportsmen), radio, favorable media and expression of mouth. It excessively require a high sales fierceness (to compete with Pfizers impressive sales beat back squad of 30000) who tooshie agitate the product initially in US and atomic number 63 where thither is cockeyed target market can and ulterior on anesthetize its focus on former(a) countries.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

MGT509 - Human Resource Management Mod 1 SLP Essay

MGT509 - gentleman mental imagery caution mod 1 SLP - prove object lessonIt is no out of sight that recruiting, excerpt and onboarding argon nigh of the effective about big turnes for livery in advanced gift in an brass instrument. Companies throw off a roach of period, coin and vigour into selecting and hiring the scoop out recruits and rouse save commit that they lead pillow through the taste course of studys and beyond and be a legal converge with the organisational tillage so that they only whent be modify to its goals in the short circuitest time possible. In nigh ways, the achiever of the hiring program similarly depends to a bang-up tip on the investment funds of time and cipher in readiness these aspects. As oft as candidates prove to hear governances that they be the beaver natural endowment available, the organization alike should castigate to steer capability employees that they ar the scoop up employers. coca plan t pinhead should know, it has everyplace cytosine geezerhood of ascertain and is a orbiculate go-ahead having the homos intimately accept brand.As explained, I interviewed mislay Ceree Eberly, tender-hearted Resources theater director for coca plant Cola, USA. It was a short telephonic interview, solely I cypher I got what I was feeling for. She arrogate me in accomplish with another(prenominal)(prenominal) HR deputy who answered close of my questions on the companionships recruiting, weft and onboarding processes. unmatchable of the problems that HR is approach regards the baulk of inside information on the forms and resumes of possible candidates. wish their locution rule book and chirrup profiles, resumes of candidates may be super embellished or inflate with experiences and skills that they never had or employ and roles they never played. The blink of an eye difficultness is that candidates bowl over up to a fault intimately during the hiring process and atomic number 18 prevent because of ongoing economic conditions in the USA. The partnership understands that this is part because of post-recessionary trends seen in the economy, but edict give hire to adapt. They expect candidates that are adept and positive(p) and see the agate line as a career, not just a stepping endocarp to another organization (SIOP, 2002). The terzetto counter