Sunday, May 24, 2020

Social Psychology for Managers log Book Free Essay Example, 2500 words

His individual behavior must be one of an exemplary one since he has to manifest his decisions and steps through his own personal actions. In other words, he needs to become an example for others who work under him for meeting the same goals that he is looking after, in an effective and efficient manner at all times possible. 2. Managers and Interpersonal Dynamics Effective managers know how to make use of their team members and during this while contribute in their own capacity towards team building. Managerial effectiveness within an organization could be improved if there is a general understanding that the managers know their work well and also discern the exact basis for the workers who fall short on the knowledge curve. This would enable them to get the best out of these individuals and turn them into the strengths within the shortest possible time. What spiral of knowledge does is to increase the awareness level of the managers when it comes to their working methodologies and the ways and means through which they bring value to the different processes and activities of the organization. We will write a custom essay sample on Social Psychology for Managers log Book or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The knowledge organization makes best use of the knowledge that it has and it does not let go on the opportunities which come in its way every now and then. There is a definitive need to outline the salient points which a manager must know in order to get the work done from the knowledge base and indeed the whole of the knowledge organization and it is only when there is a mesh of knowledge activities and the management effectiveness. Managing interpersonal dynamics is surely an art that needs to be studied in a proper manner since the same has a lot of bearing on the way in which the organizational values would shape up in the coming times. A manager must be well-acquainted to the needs of the time since these needs are changing for the better or for the worse but then again every proactive move that this manager makes is dependent a great deal on the way organizations work and form an interpersonal dynamics mode in place. 3. Managers and Motivation Coming to the internal regimes within the organization and more specifically the HRM unit, we see that the employee motivation at work place works to the advantage of the firm and the people at the helm of it since they know for sure that their employees would give in their best no matter how trying or tough the circumstances are. This means that they are assured of their commitment levels and the intensity of the hard work that they will put in, even under the most strenuous of routines.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Can Profitability and Morality Co-Exist - 10045 Words

Can Profitability and Morality Co-exist? Business Ethics and Corporate Governance INTRODUCTION TO BUSINESS ETHICS What is Business Business is a legally recognized organizational entity existing within an economically free country designed to sell goods and/or services to consumers or other businesses, usually in an effort to generate profit. It is a commercial activity engaged in as a means of livelihood or profit, or an entity which engages in such activities. What is Ethics? Ethics are standards of conduct that indicate how one should behave based on moral duties and virtues. Ethics means †¢ character or manner †¢ Science of morals †¢ Recognized rules of conduct †¢ Moral principles Objectives of Ethics †¢ Studies human behaviour †¢Ã¢â‚¬ ¦show more content†¦What is Profit? Profit is the reward of factors of production in accordance with the source of service. It is the excess of income over cost of production. For economists, Profit is the excess over the opportunity cost. For accountants, Profit is the difference between income and expenditure computed according to certain rules and regulations. Profit can be classified as Tangible and Intangible Profit. The objectives of a business determine the interpretation of profit. Profit acts as an incentive that attracts businessmen and potential investors to produce and to introduce new products and cost reduction measures. Profitability is of two types: Tangible and Intangible (a) Tangible Return on Investment Cash flows Dividends (b) Intangible Trust of the consumers of the organization Evaluation of the Organizations profits Status of the people behind the organization Theories of Profit 1. Reward for taking risk- The theory attributes profit to the act of risk undertaken by the owners. It assumes that other factors remaining the same, higher the risk, higher the rate of return. 2. Compensation for Frictional Factors- Some economists associate profit with imperfections in the adjustment of the economy to dynamic changes in the modern world. Benefits due to some change in the dynamic forces will enable entrepreneurs to enjoy a higher return on investment for a while till the economy reaches new equilibrium. 3.Show MoreRelatedA Moral Dilemma2001 Words   |  9 Pagesmoral reasons for choosing each action. A whistleblower can be anyone who has and can report insider knowledge of illegal activities that are happening in an organization. Therefore we can also say that whistleblowers can be supplier, client, contractor or an employee who somehow becomes aware of illegal activities that are happening in a business either through being told about it or witnessing the behavior. The alleged information of wrongdoing can be grouped in many ways, law, regulation, violationRead MoreMilton Friedman s Philosophy, Consumption Analysis, And The Theory Of Stabilization Policy Essay1601 Words   |  7 Pagescorporate responsibility. These elements, based off their motivation, can be ordered into two or three distinct gatherings, which are revenue driven associations, not-for-profits, and governments. Initially, for-profits are the ones looking for increases for the proprietors, not-for-profits are ther e to do good for the general public, and governments are risen to characterize and represent the principles of the general public. As you can see, however, different kinds are made up inside one feature, theRead MoreEssay social responsibility2146 Words   |  9 PagesCompanies Offering Health Care to Part-Time Workers. 2011), while Starbucks remain committed to its employees and continue to provide benefits to all its workers. Taking care of its employees or partners isn’t its only practice of stewardship. It exist across the entire corporation from business practices, supply chain, and investments. Starbucks’ company mission statement explain what it is all about: Our mission: to inspire and nurture the human spirit-one person, one cup and one neighborhoodRead MoreWhy Do You Think Downward Communication Is much more Prevalent than Upward Communication?1949 Words   |  8 Pagesbottom levels. Responses to downward communications move up along the same path. The aim is to help reduce the occurrence of communication rumors (rumors) in order to foster a pleasant work atmosphere, and indirectly increase the productivity and profitability of the enterprise.Downward communication has eight advantages and seven disadvantages that will be role to organization in to communication with their employee. The advantages of downward communication are delegating authority and responsibilityRead MoreLegal and Ethical Considerations in Marketing, Product Safety, and Intellectual Property3428 Words   |  14 PagesColberian intellectual property would be ethical in accordance with: Utilitarianism, Deontology, Virtue ethics, Ethics of care, and my own moral / ethical compass. Analyze the way PharmaCARE uses U.S. law to protect its own intellectual property while co-opting intellectual property in Colberia. Suggest at least three ways the company could compensate the people and nation of Colberia for the use of its intellectual property and the damage to its environment. Compare PharmaCARE’s actions with thoseRead MoreProfessional Ethics10396 Words   |  42 Pagessociety have, in the fields of economics and politics, a good understanding of what makes this possible: individualism. In economics there exists a well worked out understanding of how, starting with autonomous individuals engaging in voluntary transactions, goods, services, and information flow efficiently to where they are needed. In politics there exists a good understanding of how protecting individual rights and limiting government power prevent the arbitrariness and stultification thatRead MoreBrief Analysis Of Corporate Culture Establishment Based On Csr2658 Words   |  11 Pageson the business case, Enron Scandal. Try to one-side and specifically analysis how the corporate culture, as a pattern of manifestation of CSR, influence the corporate. However, due to the limitations of the starting point and the business case, it can not be fully disclosed and explained all of the corporate social responsibility, so that the conclusions and recommendations are limited, which need to be supplemented later. 2. Definitions 2.1. Definition of CSR CSR (Corporate social responsibilityRead MoreSamsung Case Study2712 Words   |  11 Pageschallenges and pursue excellence in every facet of the business. Change: Represents Samsung’s commitment to implement change and innovation to remain an industry leader. Integrity: Maintains that Samsung acted ethically, ensuring fairness and morality. Co-prosperity: Signifies that Samsung act responsibly for the benefit of its community and nation and the prosperity of the larger global society. 1.a. (iv) Samsung’s Human Resource Development (HRD) Policies Samsung’s approach to HRD is largelyRead MoreManaging Diversity in South Africa6015 Words   |  25 Pages1. Introduction In the workplace, diversity in terms of ethnicity, locality, education and skills, age, and gender exist. Managers or employers therefore require innovative ideas to successfully manage employees in the workplace. Diversity management is a relatively new field in the South African business environment. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Creative Writing Magic Shop Conundrum Essay - 1070 Words

Tucker was a boy of 13 with the looks of a commercial kid. His shaggy blonde hair and sea green eyes made him the center of attention wherever he went, and of course he loved it. One day while riding his bike he saw a magic shop which caught his attention. He stopped in front of the window which was dark and a little dusty, the sign above flashed bright neon red â€Å"open† he read. The sign on the door read: Mr. Pirellis Magic Emporium Store Hours: Magic never rests open 24/7 to those in magical need As he pushed the door open a bell somewhere in the store chimed announcing his presence. The store itself was dark and musty and smelled a little of old Chinese food. Tucker began to look around. On one wall was an assortment of hats. Some were†¦show more content†¦He looked through the front window then raced off towards home in the setting sun. Tucker sat down on his bed and pulled the top hat out of his bag. He felt powerful holding it in his hand. He stood in front of his mirror and popped the material of the top firm. It was a tall hat with a nice portioned brim. The hat seemed to fit to his head perfectly. He pulled it off and bowed to his applauding audience. As he looked up into the mirror however he saw a faint blue glow from within the hat. He reached his hand to touch it when a rabbit appeared. He pulled it up by its ears and pondered in astonishment that the rabbit had just come from a once empty hat. He put the rabbit gently down on the ground and the hat on his dresser. Stepping slowly away he sat on the edge of his bed switching between staring at the hat and staring at the rabbit which hopped happily around on his rug. At some point in the night he had fallen asleep. He awoke the next morning feeling rejuvenated. As he went to scratch his head he came to the realization that the top hat was there on the dresser and it was indeed not a dream. So he rubbed his eyes, stood up, and slowly walked over to the hat. He picked it up, looking at it in his hands once more, it felt almost weightless. He flipped the hat over and looked inside; there wasShow MoreRelatedThe Sustainable Century By Design Or Disaster9705 Words   |  39 Pagesproperty. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the author/publisher at Thank you for supporting the author’s rights and those of all creative spirits! ii Contents Introduction – The Sustainable Century†¦ or not ............................................................... 3 Chapter One - Market Signals – The Lifeblood of Sustainable Capitalism ....................................Read MoreThe Sustainable Century By Design Or Disaster9705 Words   |  39 Pagesproperty. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the author/publisher at Thank you for supporting the author’s rights and those of all creative spirits! ii Contents Introduction – The Sustainable Century†¦ or not ............................................................... 3 Chapter One - Market Signals – The Lifeblood of Sustainable Capitalism ....................................Read MoreGp Essay Mainpoints24643 Words   |  99 Pagesprofessional journalists (compared to citizen journalism) – content quality †¢ Citizen journalist â€Å"on-the ground† reports vs. professional whose sole purpose is to uncover each and every piece of information related to the news article they are writing †¢ Wider and deeper coverage †¢ Connections to a wider spectrum of professionals ( greater insight into issue at hand †¢ E.g. 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections (bloggers provide personal opinions about who was likely to win but New York TimesRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagesand this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Autobiography of My Father - 5028 Words

Ernest Chiam was born in 1957, the year which Malaysia got its independence. By the time, Malaysia began to develop and became stable as World War II was ceased and he was able to grow up in a peaceful environment without sirens of the enemy’s invasion. He is the fifth born out of six, with two brothers and three sisters. The first page of his life started in a middle class suburban household located in Muar, Johor. As a baby, Ernest was very chubby as well as adorable. He was raised on by his mother’s milk and therefore, since small he has a very close relationship with her mother. As both of his parents were school teachers, Ernest was raised up in a family that emphasized discipline and education. In that sense, he was especially†¦show more content†¦The period he worked in A’Famosa Resorts can be considered as the peak in his career as he successfully setup the Water Theme park, Safari Wonderland, Cowboy Theme Park and also the 3Ds Motion Master Cinema in A’ Famosa Resort. One night in 2001, while Ernest was driving back from Taiping after a business travel, a major event happened on him and this has greatly changed his views towards life. It was a serious car accident where Ernest had suffered a broken left wrist and incurred abdominal injury and it took him more than four months to recuperate. He had undergone two hand surgeries to get his bone fixed and aligned correctly followed by lots of physiotherapy to get his left hand function normally. However, due to his persistence doing the physiotherapy, Ernest managed to get fully recover from it. Through this incident, he came to realize that the most importance thing to him is his family, not his career. He also started to fix the relationship he had with God which was faded and attend the church service more often. After fully recovery from his injuries, Ernest continued to work for A’ Famosa Resort for 12 years before moving to his present job with WWF Malaysia. In his present position with WWF-Malaysia, Ernest helped in forming the Marine Fish Farmers Association of Malaysia (MFFAM) in a bit to introduce Best Aquaculture Practices to the industry. As for marine turtleShow MoreRelatedEssay on Biography of Malcolm X1317 Words   |  6 Pagescommunity, but also with other people of every community. His beliefs for many people are hard to understand and probably thought as if his beliefs are wrong, but until someone actually reads The Autobiography of Malcolm X, then people will not really understand the complexity of the man Malcolm X. His autobiography takes you on a tour of probably lots of black men of this time and shows all the hardships and struggles that they had to go through. Showing the misleading teachings of the honorable ElijahRead MoreSample Autobiography856 Words   |à ‚  4 Pagesevents in my past, the important aspects of my current life, and my future goals, the underlying theme is one of appreciating diversity, especially across ethnic and socioeconomic class lines. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York, the product of a Catholic father with roots in Italy and a Jewish mother of Russian and Austrian ancestry. In my early years of education, the frustration with teachers mispronouncing my last name seemed as though it might never end. I remember how my father wouldRead MoreBenjamin Franklin And Olaudah Equiano1127 Words   |  5 Pages Benjamin Franklin and Olaudah Equiano lived during the same time period. Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the Untied States, and his commitment to making his country better was remarkable. Benjamin Franklin wrote his autobiography from 1771- 1791. Franklin passed away before he was able to see his autobiography published in 1791. Olaudah Equiano was a young boy when he was kidnapped and sold into slavery. He was forced to work on naval vessels and on plantations in Virginia. EquianoRead More Abandonment in Jamaica Kincaids Autobiography of My Mother Essay examples728 Words   |  3 PagesAbando nment in Jamaica Kincaids Autobiography of My Mother Xuela, the protagonist of Jamaica Kincaids novel, The Autobiography of My Mother , comments, I felt I did not want to belong to anyone, that since the one person I would have consented to own me had never lived to do so, I did not want anyone to belong to me (112). 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Robert Gross views the novel as a well-written story that was cleverly thought out and racism has a slight impact on the main character’s life. He views the autobiography as being a beautiful story that portrays the warmth and understanding within the black community, whereas Wallace argues that Maya Angelou’s autobiography is way of exposingRead MoreHarriet Ann Jacobs s Life Essay1659 Words   |  7 PagesBorn as a slave in Edenton, North Carolina in 1813, Harriet Ann Jacobs was raised by her slave mother and father. Since Harriet’s father was very skillful in his trade of carpentry, he was allowed to pay his mistress 200 dollars a year to work at his trade and manage his own affairs. As a result, his family was able to live comfortably in their home, and Harriet was â€Å"fondly shielded that [she] never dreamed [she] was a piece of merchandise, trusted to them for safe keeping, and liable to be demandedRead MoreThe Workings Of Greatness. Benjamin Franklin Started Writing1464 Words   |  6 PagesThe Workings of Greatness Benjamin Franklin started writing â€Å"The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin† at age 65 in the year 1771. Benjamin Franklin was the fifteenth out of seventeen children his father had (having married two different women). He was the youngest son, having only two sisters under him. In this book â€Å"The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin†, Franklin, because of the time by which he lived and wrote the book, uses very formal diction. Furthermore, it appears he has a sense of humorRead MoreMartin Luther King Vs Malcolm X1436 Words   |  6 PagesSouth. He was born and raised in Atlanta, Georgia by two loving and very supportive parents. The Autobiography of Martin Luther King by Clayborne Carson, tells us that â€Å"Both his father and grandfather were preachers at Ebenezer Baptist Church, one of the wealthiest black churches in Atlanta.† (pg.31) Despite this, the King’s were far from rich, and were considered as a middle class family. In his Autobiogra phy, Martin King states: â€Å" No one was extremely poor class.† (pg.2) Thus making it possible forRead MoreFun House, By Alison Bechdel1398 Words   |  6 PagesFun House, the autobiography written by author Alison Bechdel centers around her life growing up and the death of her father. The autobiography is in a graphic novel format that artistically depicts relevant events that occurred in Bechdel’s life when she was growing up. The novel shows the problems that dysfunctional families have in a realistic way without sugar coating anything. The plot of Fun House centers around Bechdel’s life and what it was like living in a household where the parents did

Life, Death and Toefl Essay Samples 2017

Life, Death and Toefl Essay Samples 2017 DO speak in English as much as you can when talking to buddies and relatives that are fluent themselves. It is a famous fact by everybody that schools play a substantial part in our lives. Many students have trouble thinking of certain examples, but it's a valuable part of very good writing. Consult your parents to spell out the rear row to you. Again, usually you'll need to choose between two opposite arguments. You are able to also practice brainstorming or planning reasons even if it's the case that you don't compose a comprehensive reaction. Use certain reasons and examples to back up your opinion. Include certain reasons and examples to back up your answer. Now almost any sort of information can be found on the internet, usually free. Our iBT free information page and iBT sample topics will reveal to you that our online tests contain the exact same kind of academic topics you will encounter on the actual examination. Additio nally, there are websites like Magoosh that offer detailed information concerning the forms of questions. Students may go through various types of sample questions online to have an in depth comprehension. If you are concerned about your writing, you ought to have a look at our sample essay page. By this time, you understand how important it's to form a very clear and concise argument in your essay. These seven sample essays respond to a selection of thought-provoking questions. Please note that a few of these college essay examples could possibly be responding to prompts that are no longer being used. You get nothing out of it, and you'll probably just wind up annoying them. In addition, it is a lot simpler to find the kids together for a house movie since they don't need to leave the house to see the movie alongside you. By comparison, in case you go to the movies, you face a great deal of inconveniences. Not just that, but watching movies is simply less expensive. Toe fl Essay Samples 2017 - the Story There are online tutorials offering tips and strategies on the best way to do well. It's very beneficial to take writing apart to be able to see just the way that it accomplishes its objectives. In addition, you can want to stick to this list of DOs and DON'Ts when it regards preparing. Another finding was that some projects simply didn't move very fast. Whispered Toefl Essay Samples 2017 Secrets The following two sections will explain the format and requirements of every one of the writing tasks together with how they'll be scored. When articulating or planning your response, you'll have the option to return to the passage, but will not have the capacity to re-hear the audio. Each paragraph starts with a new key point that's then explained. You don't require an introductory paragraph, but you need to definitely compose a thesis statement. It's the details that truly make this little experience come alive. Though the evidence wasn't hard to locate, only this independent website was prepared to write about doing it. Usually, an effective response is going to be 150 to 225 words. Nevertheless, the topics will most likely be very similar overall. The remainder of your essay will be constructed around this sentence which strongly and clearly states your opinion on this issue. Here, you're given an essay questionthat usually pertains to a particular issue or topic. During the next few posts, we will take a look at some sample high-scoring essays and break down what's good about them (and how they may improve!) The Toefl Essay Samples 2017 Stories DON'T become frustrated if you're less great at English on test day as you need to be. In addition, we offer completely free grammar exercises. Students will receive 1 score report. It is very important to understand formal English, yet to get by in a university setting, you should also have the ability to understand casual conversations. The Chronicles of Toefl Essay Samples 2017 You have more choices of what things to watch at home because it's possible to watch movies which are on TV or the web. Ideally, you must have accessibility to samples of all four components of the test so you know what things to expect. Tons of movies are offered at no cost online and on broadcast TV, and you are able to eat and drink affordable refreshments from your own kitchen at the same time you watch. The collection of movies is tiny. Our completely free grammar exercises will allow you to learn the advanced grammar that you require for the exam. A great prep book can be absolutely the most important study tool you use, and we've got information on all the very best TOEFL prep books you need to consider. Eventually, you will want to have a comprehensive TOEFL practice examit's the only method to be fully ready for the TOEFL. While you might have studied hard and practiced speaking and listening to English, it's still true that you have to deal with the re alities of the TOEFL should you wish to enter the college or university of your pick. It's a good idea to make a small plan before you get started writing your TOEFL response. Being aware of what graders want to get and reviewing TOEFL Writing samples can go a very long way towards assisting you to get a high score on this section. For our prompts, we'll be studying some of Kate's excellent suggestions within this post on TOEFL writing. It can likewise be beneficial to review other TOEFL writing samples to receive a better idea about what a wonderful TOEFL essay appears like. You have to practice this, particularly if you aren't very good at typing on a computer keyboard. It's particularly important to examine samples if you are a person who gets anxious or nervous when it's time to have a test. As a non-native speaker, you're most likely to produce innocent grammatical errors that you can overlook as you write in a rush. Don't attempt to be perfect once the clock is ticking. TOEFL raters study your ability to produce unique kinds of sentences. That, together with the relatively few mechanical errors, provides the essay a top score. You don't have to be a grammar expert, but you need to demonstrate sentence variety. To acquire the greatest scores, you will need three different, well-written reasons together with specific specifics.

System Configuration

Questions: Section 1. System ConfigurationNavigating BIOSOpen Navigate through control PanelChange the view in control PanelChange the ResolutionUse Multiple MonitorsView System InformationEase of Access OptionsAdd, Modify and Remove User AccountsAutomatic UpdatesSection 2. Configuration ToolsPerformance MonitorPerformance monitor TabsHow to add countersHow to Select Performance ObjectsCreating a Data Log Event Trace dataResource Monitorsub systems i.e. CPP, Disk, Memory, NetworkSystem ConfigurationNormal Start-up, Diagnostic Stat-up and Selective Start-upSchedule a task to lunchCreating a scheduled task to launch i.e Defrag TaskManaging Schedule TasksUsing Event ViewerCustom ViewsAdministrative Events Answers: Section 1: System Configuration Navigating BIOS: In order to navigate BIOS setup need to use the arrow keys. It helps selecting the fields that required configuring appear in colour. If refer for online navigation it appear in lower side of menu. Upper side of menu gives menu selection information (Finn, 2013). Open and Navigate through Control Panel: In computer, first open the control panel by clicking in the start panel and selecting control panel. In the left panel click on view and select, the option such as category likes large icons, small icons (Bartusevics et al. 2014). Change the Resolution: Open Display from control panel via Start button on computer. Click on setting tabs that extend the windows desktop onto this monitor. High screen monitor decrease size of items in monitor screen and increases the desktop size. Setting resolution for each monitor. In screen monitor, need to drag the slider of resolution that required to use. Click Apply and OK button after setting the resolution (Nelaturi and Shapiro, 2013). View system Information: There are different ways for view the system information such as Click o run from start menu and type msinfo32. Click Start button Select accessories select system tools click system information Click on Start button then select control panel and then click onto system For Linux OS type lshw For Mac OS click on apple and then click onto about this Mac. After appearing window clock on the more info button (Li et al. 2013). Ease of Access Option: Click Start Menu, Select control panel, click onto Ease of Access Add Modify and remove User Accounts: Click Start menu, select control panel, Click on User Account and Family Safety For Add a new account click on Manage another account For Modification click on Change the account name for account name changes, Change the password for password changes, remove password for password remove from account. For Remove the user accounts click on delete the account (Li et al. 2013). Automatic Updates: Click on start menu and select windows update. In left panel setting appear. Modify selecting the option (Nelaturi and Shapiro, 2013). Section 2: Configuration Tools Performance Monitor: Performance Monitor Tabs In command prompt menu type perfmon.msc and press enter for opening performance monitoring tabs. Add Counters In order to add counters expand monitoring performance tools. Click add to add counters Performance Objectives After appearing the window of Add Counter select objectives that need to add. Create a Data log and Event Trace Data In the windows of performance monitor navigation pane expand the Data Collector Sets, Right Click on User Defined, click on New, click on Data Collector Set, Select Create data logs. For event trace data click on next button that provides all information about the system events and activities (Vacca, 2013). Resource Monitor: Click on start menu GO to all program and select accessories and then click on system tools Click on Resource Monitor, Select option such as CPU, Memory, Disk, Network for monitoring (Bartusevics et al. 2014). System Configuration: Normal Start up Use the mode to start windows for start up the windows in a usual manner. There were also other two modes for troubleshooting the problems. Diagnostic Start up Start the windows with drivers only and basic service. It helps in rule out the basic functionality as a problem. Selective Start up It allows selecting basic service or drivers or the other service in start up programs (Li et al. 2013). Schedule Task to Launch: Creating Schedule Task Click on start button, select control panel, click on system and maintenance, click on administrative tools, and double click on task scheduler. Managing Schedule Tasks After opening the Scheduled Tasks right click of Schedule task and click rename for renaming the task (Bartusevics et al. 2014). Using Event Viewer: Custom View - Start event viewer Click on action menu and select Create Custom View In event level click onto the check box Specify the event logs In event ID display the custom view. Separate multiple event ID by commas for multiple user setup (Vacca, 2013). Administrative Event Click on Start menu and select control panel. Click of System and Security and select Administrative Tools Double click on Event Viewer and expand customer views Select Administrative Event In action menu select create administrative event for add event and remove administrative event for remove the event (Nelaturi and Shapiro, 2013). References Bartusevics, A., Novickis, L. and Bluemel, E. (2014). Intellectual Model-Based Configuration Management Conception. Applied Computer Systems, 15(1). Cain, N. (2014). Microsoft system center. [Redmond, Wash.?: Microsoft Press. Finn, A. (2013). Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V installation and configuration guide. Indianapolis, Ind.: Sybex. Li, x., xu, t. And liu, b. (2013). Design and implementation of configuration automatic system for computer core. Journal of Computer Applications, 33(10), pp.2858-2860. Nelaturi, S. and Shapiro, V. (2013). Solving inverse configuration space problems by adaptive sampling. Computer-Aided Design, 45(2), pp.373-382. Vacca, J. (2013). Computer and information security handbook. Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers is an imprint of Elsevier.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Seligram Inc. Case Study free essay sample

Describe the existing cost system and explain why it failed The current cost system is based on two components: a direct and indirect cost measurement. There are only two types of cost: direct labor and burden. Burden is grouped into a single cost pool and represents the cost of both testing rooms, engineering burden costs (software and tooling development), plus the administrative costs of the division. Burden was then calculated for each lot, with a burden rate of 145% The lot’s total cost is the sum of the direct labor cost added to the burden cost. This existing cost system failed because of three main reasons. The existing cost system is related to direct labor hours. -Vendor certification: with vendor certification, Selgrim’s suppliers do the primary testing of components which reduces the number of tests performed by the company. Indeed, from 2003 to 2005, because of vendor certification, the number of direct labor hours per lot has noticed a 30% decrease. We will write a custom essay sample on Seligram Inc. Case Study or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Less tests done means less direct labor hours per lot. -The shift from simple inspection services to broader-based test technology: ETO became less competitive on elementary testing and on large lots. However, there were still cheaper regarding engineering support and high technology testing. This change has led to a shift in the labor mix, reducing the quantity of direct labor and increasing indirect labor hours. -The need for automatic equipment: the new high technology components required more automatic and longer testing. Increasing automation would then lead to a smaller need of direct labor and would increase expenses in terms of automated equipment. Those are the three main reasons why the current cost system failed: they decreased the direct labor hours allocated per lot and increased burden. Finally, this would increase the final manufacturing cost and would make ETO less and less competitive. -Calculate the reported costs of the five components described in the case a-The reported costs of the five components using the existing cost system Existing systemManager’s systemConsultant’s system Lot’s total cost12509. 75 $12767. 2 $13658. 41 $ Using the consultant’s system makes it possible to know more precisely the total cost of each lot by allocating each cost to its real driver. That is why the total cost per lot is more expensive in the consultant’s system than in the others. One can notice also that indeed, the manager’s system is better than the existing one. Still, the preferable system to use is the system proposed by the consultant, as explained in the next board. In the manager’s system, the second pool includes all other burden costs and are charged based on machine hours; where as, the consultant treats the machine hours as two separate cost pools which are the main testing room and the mechanical room. This system leads to a large percentage of total cost of machine hours. Existing systemConsultant system Second poolMain roomMechanical room